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Gerry had invited Julius, Alan and I to go over to his place for dinner. The three of us met up beforehand, and were walking through his neighbourhood, almost at his house. A couple walked past us, giving Julius what I was certain was a dirty look.

"Hi." He greeted, smiling.

I giggled, but knew how uncomfortable he must have felt being in this neighbourhood. Not a lot of people were friendly to the coloured community where Gerry lived, which was probably why before this year, he wasn't either. A cop car drove by, stopping in front of us. The cop unwinded his window, looking directly at Julius.

"O-officer?" He stammered, nervously.

I interlocked my free hand with his, to let him know that he was safe with us, and everything was fine.

"Heck of a game you boys played last night." He complimented, smiling slightly.

Julius' eyebrows shot up, but he returned the smile. "Thanks. Thank you, officer."

"Best defence I've seen in 20 years. Tell that coach of yours to keep up the good work."

"Oh- oh yeah. I'll do that."

The officer nodded, and rolled up his window, driving off. Julius relaxed, taking a breath of relief.

"I was not expecting that." He laughed nervously, as we continued walking.

"Neither was I." Alan admitted, chuckling.

I looked left and right, checking for cars before we crossed the street. I noticed a new skip in Julius' step, and I smiled to myself.

"Yo guys, your taxi had a siren." Gerry shouted from his front door, smiling.

"Superman!" Julius yelled, running over to him with his arms open wide.

"Hey man, what's goin' on?" Gerry grinned, walking down the steps at the front of his house to meet us.

"Doin' all right." Julius answered, as the two began to play fight.

"How 'bout you two? Everything good?" Gerry asked Alan and I, from Julius' arms.

I climbed up the steps, followed by Alan, and joined the hug. "Not been too bad." I mumbled, squashed between Julius and Alan.

"Well come on in." Gerry said, walking back to his house after breaking from the hug. He turned to Julius, teasingly, "Don't be shy Mr Campbell, my mother don't bite."

The four of us walked into Gerry's dining room, to greet his mother. I enveloped her in a hug, she was like an honorary mother to me, she'd always been there for me to turn to if I ever needed anything. I stepped back from the hug, as Alan pulled her in for a quick one also, as he was very close to Jean as well.

I watched as she stuck her hand out for Julius to shake, unsure of how to approach him. Instead of taking it, he pulled her in for a hug, lifting  her off of the ground in doing so, smiling from ear to ear. Jean hesitated for a second, before wrapping her arms around Julius, causing a wide smile to creep onto my face. He placed her back down on the floor, letting go. Failing to stifle a laugh at Jean's ruffled up hair, I squealed, as Alan put his hand over my mouth.

"Shh." He whispered into my ear, laughing.

I tried to tell him to move his hand, but my words mustn't have been distinguishable, because he kept his hand where it was. Fed up, I swiped my tongue over his palm, laughing loudly as he withdrew his hand, making a sound of disgust.

"Did you just lick me?!" He shrieked, voice shrill, as if he were a woman.

The others turned to us, weird looks on their faces. I flushed red, hitting Alan. "You shouldn't have covered my mouth." I said, defensively.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now