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Since we had the same birthday, Petey and I had decided to have a joint birthday party this year. We'd decided to hold it in the little barn at the back of my yard, decorating the meadow just outside with fairy lights and banners, and although the trees had lost all of their leaves, they still looked beautiful. The whole team was invited, including Coach Boone and his family.

Pulling Alan off of his chair, I lead him to the makeshift dance floor, lit by the hundreds of fairy lights in the barn. I wore a green dress, that had long, flared sleeves, with tights and knee high boots and a sash that read 'its my birthday!', which Petey wore too. Alan and I danced to 'One bad apple', and he spun me round, making my dress lift up like a princess.

"Why, if it isn't the birthday girl." Ronnie smiled, appearing next to me.

I smiled, pulling him in for a hug. "You're late."

"I know, let me make it up to you." He said, holding out his hand to offer me a dance.

I looked to Alan, and he nodded, so I took Ronnie's hand, and the two of us danced together, until the song was over.

The lights turned off, enveloping us all in darkness. Out of nowhere, Petey stumbled into me, and I fell backwards but managed to balance the two of us in the process.

I noticed that everyone had circled around us, smiling. A few of the guys moved out of the way, and uncle Bill walked slowly through the gap in the circle, carrying a giant birthday cake, lit with candles.

I smiled widely as everyone began to sing, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Julie and Petey, happy birthday to you!"

"Make a wish!" Sheryl chirped, smiling excitedly.

Petey and I looked at each other, the both of us silently making a wish, before blowing out the candles in unison.

Everyone cheered, and the lights were turned back on. I hugged Petey, smiling.

"Happy birthday."

"Right back at ya, baby."


Petey and I sat across from each other on the dance floor inside the barn, surrounded by our guests, who were waiting eagerly for us to open our presents.

"To save the awkwardness, Julie and I have decided to thank you all individually after opening all of our presents. 'Cause God knows I ain't getting up and down a thousand times." Petey told the guys, winking at me.

We had laid the presents out, so that the two of us would open our presents from the same person at the same time. First up was Blue's. I picked up the package, already guessing what was inside. It was a large, thin square shape, probably a record. I laughed at Petey, who shook his, trying to figure out what it was.

On the count of three, we teared the paper, revealing our gifts. I smiled widely, lifting up my new 'Ain't no mountain high enough' record.

There was a note attached to the back, and I read it out loud. "'Dear Julie, happy birthday, baby. Here's a little something for you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being my best friend. Love, Blue.' You have no idea how happy this has made me, Blue. Thank you." I blew him a kiss, jokingly, looking over at Petey, who was extremely disappointed.

In his hands was a pink sparkly mirror, with princesses on the front. I burst out laughing, as Blue explained the reason behind the gift.

"You never stop asking me how you look, and it gets real annoying. Now you don't need to ask, you can see for yourself." He said, struggling to hold back his laughter.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now