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The whole team were woken up at 3am, thanks to Coach Boone. He stood outside of our rooms, blowing a massive horn. I groaned, not bothering to get out of bed. Maybe if I pretended to still be asleep they would leave me behind. I lay snuggled in bed, about to go back to sleep, when someone barged into my room.

At first I thought it was Alan. But it wasn't. It was Gerry.

"Gerry, what on Earth are you doing in my room? You can't just barge in like that!" I meant to yell, but I think it came out in a undistinguishable growl.

"Get up, Julie!" He urged, "Everyone's waiting for you downstairs. Plus I need your advice."

I forced myself out of bed, still half asleep. I sat on my bed, my head rolling forward as I dozed back off to sleep a couple times. I picked up a random pair of shorts and a t-shirt from the floor.

"What do you need my help with?" I asked from the bathroom connected to my room.

"Well, something happened with Julius earlier, and I don't know what to do about it." He began, sighing.

"Something good, or something bad?" I asked stumbling out of the bathroom.

"I don't have an answer to that yet,"

I shrugged, not as empathetic as I usually would be. I blamed it on lack of sleep. "Talk to me about it later, when I'm not looking and feeling like a zombie."

Gerry laughed, and tied my shoelaces. He helped me up and we walked downstairs together. I noticed that everyone was there, except Sheryl. What a lucky girl she was, getting a full nights of sleep.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" Boone barked, impatiently. "Wake up, people, it's late. It's 3AM in the morning."

Gerry and I walked through the crowd of boys, looking for Alan. Many of the boys whistled as I walked past, and I was really confused. I looked down at myself, to see what was wrong, when I realised that I'd messed up. I'd accidentally put on my spare pyjama shorts.

And they were short-shorts.

I smacked Gerry on the chest, flushing red. "How could you let me leave my room like this, Gerry?!"

Gerry raised his hands defensively. "Like what?!"

When I gestured to my shorts, Gerry finally realised the problem. He started apologising profusely, but I waved it off frustratedly, walking up to Alan and enveloping him in a warm embrace.

Alan took one look at me, and shrugged off his hoodie. "Why would you wear that to go on a run, dummy? Here, put this on." He uttered, forcing it over my head.

I shrugged, glad to finally be covered up. "I didn't realise. I was still half asleep. You know what I'm like when I first wake up."

Alan's hoodie wasn't overly huge on me, but it was definitely a lot bigger than I expected. It sat just above my mid-thigh, thankfully hiding my shorts.

Coach led us out of the college. I walked along with Alan, our arms were wrapped around each other's waists, and I snuggled my head into his shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I grumbled, rubbing my eyes.

Petey appeared out of nowhere, and turned to me, laughing at how grumpy I was being.

"Were you not listening, girl? We're going for a run through the forest."

I groaned, throwing my head back. "This is crazy! I am not a morning person, and for good reason! Who in their right mind would wake up at this hour, to go for a run?!"

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