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My morning began bright and early. As usual, I woke up at 6am and ate breakfast with the boys. I sat with Alan, Big Blue, Petey, Julius, Louie and Rev, and ate my toast (cut in triangles of course, that's the only right way to have it) happily watching the boys fool around. I was glad that Alan had finally come to his senses, he'd started to hang out with more of the black members of the team.

He wasn't racist, I'd never date a racist. Alan knew that equality was free, and he viewed the coloured people no different to how I did. He just hadn't associated himself with them until camp, because he was worried about disappointing his father.

I rolled my eyes, the only disappointment in that family was big Fred himself.

After breakfast, I walked with the team to the field, holding hands with Alan. Petey turned around from in front of us, and began walking backwards so we could talk. He looked a little distraught, as if something had just dawned on him.

"So, you two...aren't uh... planning any on more monkey business in a brother's bed? 'Cause I don't wanna walk in on y'all humping on mine." He stammered, wincing.

I laughed, amused by Petey's awkwardness and Alan's flushed face.

"Well, I can't make no promises, Petey, but I will try to avoid making love with my boyfriend in your bed." I said teasingly.

I didn't think it was possible, but Alan's blush deepened. I kissed him on the cheek, knowing that the boys would tease him about it, and walked over to the coaches.

After the boys had completed a few drills, that I had to join in on, Coach Boone set them all up for a quick practice game. The boys got into their positions, readying themselves.

"Ready, set, hut!" Rev yelled, starting the game.

Someone passed the ball to Petey, but he fumbled it. Coach began to shout, but was interrupted by a frustrated Gerry. Everyone was huddled up around him.

"What are y'all doing? 44 stack! You're supposed to know your jobs!" He shouted, turning to point at Julius, "Campbell, you're playin' selfish, show-off football. Hold your man down!"

Julius threw his arms in the air, raising his voice, "Don't you single me out like that. What, you think I'm stupid or something?"

"Listen, I'm team captain, and I don't need you up in my face-"

They both squared up to each other, and Gerry slammed his helmet against Julius'.  They both started shoving each other, and I debated whether to run over and prevent the fight that was most probably not going to end well. But I decided that Bertier vs. Campbell round 2 would be too interesting, to disrupt, and I would let the fight proceed.

Coach blew his whistle, fed up of the constant disagreements. Big Blue stood between the two, using his arms as a physical barrier.

"We're here to play football, y'all. Let's play football."

"Go on, Big Blue, you tell 'em!" I yelled, trying to help diffuse the situation. I earned myself a few laughs from the guys, before Coach Hinds took over.

"Y'all didn't come out here to practice! 'Cause champions pay the price! Lookin' like a bunch of bums out here!" He yelled, spitting with rage.

I giggled to myself quietly, catching Alan's eye. He pulled a silly face, but was noticed by Coach Hinds, who gave him a dirty look.

Coach Boone decided to take a different approach, and had the boys practice blocking, and a few other drills instead. He walked around them, hyping them up.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now