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It was overwhelming how different the bus rides to and from camp were; on the way there, it was silent and everyone was on edge, but now we were all comfortable in each other's company. Camp had really brought us together. I was overjoyed at how close the boys had grown, and how their opinions of each other had changed. We were a family now, and we all had each other's backs. And we had Coach Boone to thank for that.

I sat squashed in the back of the bus between Alan, Big Blue, Julius and Petey. Gerry, Rev and Louie sat in the row in front of us. Coach had us all re-wearing our formal clothes we'd arrived in, and the boys were looking very smart. We were all singing in unison, bidding a final farewell to our time at camp.

"Goodbye. Na na na na. Hey, hey, hey, goodbye."

The bus rolled into the car park, where all of our parents stood waiting. I noticed a few of them pulling confused faces, no doubt hearing our singing from outside.

"Let me hear you!" Petey chanted, waving his arms around. I laughed, clapping along to the beat of the song. "Let me here you! Up in the front! Up in the front! Whole school!"

"Hey hey hey! Goodbye!"

The buses stopped, and we all filed off. I led Alan by his hand, walking over to the other side of the bus and collecting our luggage. I snickered as I watched Petey salute the coaches, mockingly, before running off.

"My dad's over there," Alan said, his smile faltering. "It's been so much better at camp and not having him bully me every day."

I lent on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "You know you can always stay with me if you ever need a break from home. You're always welcome, I just want you to be happy."

He closed his eyes, sighing. "I know, and I appreciate it. But I think I've got this."

"Okay, don't let him get you down, or I'll be having some serious words with him." I began, rolling my eyes as Alan raised his eyebrows teasingly. "I mean it."

"I'll try," He replied, squeezing my hand. "I'll see you later, okay?"

I nodded, letting go of his hand and watching him walk over to his father. I searched the crowd for Coach and Sheryl, and saw them approaching Coach Boone and his family. I started walking in their direction, but was interrupted by a hand wrapping around my wrist. I turned around, locking eyes with Ronnie.

"Have you seen Gerry? I figured I should try to straighten things out between us before school starts." He asked, letting go of my wrist.

"He's over there with his mother." I replied, pointing in their direction. He thanked me, and started to walk off, but stopped when I called after him. "I'll see you around, Sunshine?"

He smiled, "You know it, curly fries."

"Shut up." I retorted, rolling my eyes.

He laughed, and approached Gerry, patting him on the shoulder. I started walking again, shaking my head in amusement. No one had really given me a nickname based off of my appearance before, so it was strange hearing it from Ronnie. But I didn't mind, at least it wasn't something bad.

"Look who's talking." I heard Coach Boone's eldest daughter say, giving Sheryl a dirty look.

"Well, we're just all getting along, aren't we?" Coach Boone mused, chuckling at the two girls.

I laughed, stopping next to uncle Bill, who placed a hand on my shoulder.

"This is my niece, Julie." He introduced, as I held my hand out to shake Mrs Boone's.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled, she nodded, reciprocating my greeting.

"Are you excited for school this year?" Mrs Boone asked me, trying to start small talk.

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