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The final game of the season came way quicker than expected, and everyone was buzzing with nerves and anticipation. I knew that the boys could win, even after losing Gerry as a player.

Stood outside the changing room waiting to be let in, I could hear the excitement of the crowd. Their cheering was deafening, and I was sure that the boys could hear it as clearly as I could, even from inside.

"This is the granddaddy of state high school football championships." I heard the commentator announce, as Alan appeared at the door, pulling me quickly inside.

"Crowd's goin' crazy out there." I said, wrapping him in a quick hug, before the two of us made our way to the rest of the team.

Alan looked at me, laughing nervously, "Shit."

The boys had just come out of a prayer, and the commentator's voice could be heard clearly, even over the cheering.

"The Virginia triple A. It just doesn't get any better. We have Coach Herman Boone's Titans vs. the legend, Ed Henry, with over 250 wins in 30 years."

"C'mon boys! You can win this, go beat those rednecks!" I cheered as they filed out, holding Alan's hand tightly.

He stopped us just outside the door, letting the rest of the guys walk ahead for a few feet onto the field, before starting to talk.

"Julie." He said, voice trembling slightly, "I've never been so nervous in my life, and that includes how I felt after our first kiss."

I cupped his face with both of my hands, rubbing his cheeks with my thumbs, speaking gently, "Alan, sweetheart, it's okay to feel nervous. Use that to your advantage, nerves create adrenaline, and adrenaline will help you play. Trust me, you got this."

He placed his hands over mine, leaning into my touch. I kissed him softly on the lips, before shoving him towards the other guys, who were way ahead.

"Go on, don't wanna have to walk out on the field alone. I'll be cheering for you the whole time." I said, smiling.

He gulped, and jogged after the team, looking back at me and waving once he'd reached them. The door behind me creaked open, and uncle Bill marched out, Petey in tow. I sent him a thumbs up, and he replied with a nervous smile.

"Coach. Coach?" He asked, as he struggled to keep pace, "I just want to say I'm sorry."

Coach turned to him, brows furrowed, "You abandoned your team in their moment of need, Petey. 'Sorry' won't make up for it."

Petey bowed his head, "Yeah I know, but.. listen, I want to play for you. I want to play for the Championship."

"You can play for me next year. You sit on that bench. Show me you can support your teammates, you'll start again as a senior." Coach answered, turning around and walking off.

Crushed, Petey stormed over to the bench, sitting down angrily. He was an amazing player, but he wasn't a very good sport. Running over to the other cheerleaders, I noticed that everyone from the stands had begun to applaud. I looked around, catching sight of Jean, who gingerly walked down the steps of the bleachers. I began to clap too, smiling widely at the love everyone was sending her way.

"Entering the stadium now, is Jean Bertier. Now, she is the mother of injured All-American linebacker, Gerry Bertier." The commentator spoke through the speakers, making me smile wider. I knew that Gerry was watching from hospital, which made this a lot more wholesome. "And the Titans' fans are really giving her a warm reception."

The crowd began to chant Gerry's name, as Jean made her way to her seat, beside Coach Boone's wife. The two embraced, widening my smile even more.

"And here come the Titans, entering the stadium in what's become their own unique style."

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now