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A week after my argument with Alan in the cafeteria, I still hadn't heard from him. It was partially my fault, as I'd avoided hanging out with the boys when Alan was there, and had dragged Ronnie away with me whenever Alan was around. He didn't mind, as things were still a little tense between him and Petey.

I sat with the cheer team, waiting for our signal from Coach Sylvester to begin our routine. It was the night of the second game of the season, and my nerves were getting the better of me.

When I didn't have cheer practice, I'd been helping and participating in training with the boys, just like at camp. They hadn't been working well as a team, and I blamed school. Ever since we'd returned from camp, all of the progress we'd made in creating a family out of the team, was slowly reversing. The racial divide between students at school didn't help matters, but I had faith that Coach Boone could talk some sense into them. Or maybe just send us all back to camp.

"Get up, girls!" Coach yelled through her megaphone. "Time to shine!"

The cheer team rose from the stands, and I lagged behind. We got into position, and began to do our routine. Chanting, I was boosted into the air, performing a coed toss. I extended my legs, and was caught by the base, landing safely.

The commentator announced the two teams, and out came the Titans from the changing room. I cheered louder than the other cheerleaders, waving my pompoms erratically.

The game began, and the Titans weren't playing together as a team. We were playing defence, and Petey was playing as replacement for Alan.

"Right, right, right!" I heard Gerry yell, as the boys got into their starting positions, covered head to toe in mud.


The play proceeded, and I watched as Gerry and Clemmons (number 26) advanced towards number 7 on the opposing team, tackling him. Number 13 on the blue team had possession of the ball, and threw it to number 7, who had managed to escape Gerry. He scored, and Coach Boone called a time out.

"You blew your assignment!" I heard one of our players yell, as they walked past the cheer squad.

"Man I'm covering for you. Don't get in my face." The guy next to him yelled, and the two continued arguing, until Blue ran over.

"Yo, cool out. Cool out." He said, separating the two.

I abandoned my pompoms, running over to the team. I approached Gerry, shoving him from behind.

"What do you call this? 'Cause it certainly ain't playing football." I scolded, my hands on my hips.

"What do you expect me to do, huh? It's not my fault every one's hating each other tonight." Gerry answered, angrily.

"You tell me. You're captain, talk to your team." I replied, talking to him as if he were stupid.

"Where you at?" Julius asked Gerry, walking up to the two of us. "What planet you on tonight?"

Gerry ignored the question, not looking him in the eye. I shot Julius a questioning look, and he shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah. I mean it's fine, man. I knew you was going to stand me up. I figured you weren't goin' to make out to the Berg, no way. I knew you was all talk, but now you makin' us look bad out there on the field." He continued, obviously disappointed, but trying to hide it.

"Don't talk to me, man." Gerry told him, turning away. "You ain't got nothing to say to me."

He walked off, leaving Julius and I stood there in confusion.

"What was that about?" I asked him, sitting down on the bench behind us.

"We made plans to hang out in my neighbourhood. He never showed." Julius answered, shrugging.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now