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Today was the day my mother would be coming to town. I felt nervous and unexcited, but glad that I had Alan to help me through my nerves. He would probably sit there awkwardly in silence the whole time, but at least I had the person I trusted most right there with me.

The doorbell rang, and I ran to the door, almost tripping in my heels. I threw it open, and greeted Alan.

I'd told Alan to wear something nice, and he met my standards perfectly. He wore black pants, with a cream coloured polo shirt, which had horizontal black stripes that stopped about a third of the way down his shirt. He looked handsome.

"You clean up well, Mr Bosley." I said, grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen where Coach was assigning us jobs.

"I could say the same about you sweetheart," He said, winking.

I wore a red skirt with tiny cream polka dots printed all over, that ended at about mid-thigh, and a sleeveless frilly, cream blouse, revealing a little cleavage.

Alan and I set the table, while my uncle began to serve up the plates. She would arrive in a matter of minutes. Once I had set down the last set of cutlery, the doorbell rang.

I froze. This was it.

Alan grabbed my hand pulling me to the door. Before I opened it I turned to him, and whispered, "Remember, she can smell bullshit, so we need to make this look real."

He nodded, and I opened the door.

She stood there, looking the exact same way she had all of those years ago. Brunette hair, kept short in a bob, brown eyes, mine were green, like my father's, even her lipstick shade was the same.

I stood there dumbly, not knowing what to do. Getting the hint, Alan took my hand in his and introduced himself to my mother.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Wilson-"

"Mrs Baker." She corrected.

I stood there, my mouth gaping open so wide that my jaw almost hit the floor. I felt my fists clenching, crushing Alan's hand. He yelped quietly, but never let go. She abandoned me for years, and got married.  She began a new life. Without me in it.

Alan cleared his throat, reaching his hand out for her to shake, she took it. "Well, it's nice to meet you Mrs Baker, I'm Alan Bosley."

"It's nice to meet you too Alan, I see my daughter has great taste in men, much like her mother." My mother winked.

"Don't compare me to you, you witch." I grumbled under my breath so that only Alan could hear.

She turned to me, looking me up and down, surely taking notes of my imperfections, so that she could belittle me about them later on.

"You're not going to greet your mother, Julia?"

Snapping out of my daze, I shook my head, "Sorry mom, it just feels like dream seeing you after so long. Come in, dinner's ready."

Alan and I walked hand in hand, leading the way to the dining room. My mother greeted Coach and Sheryl, and we sat down to eat. She was at the head of the table, with me to her left, and Alan next to me. Bill and Sheryl sat on the opposite side.

"So are you and Alan planning to go to prom together?"

"Yes ma'm, I mean it's quite a while away, but I'm trying to plan something special for my sweetheart." Alan said, kissing my hand.

I blushed. A real goddamn blush. Not an embarrassed blush, a different kind of blush. The only kind you get with someone you love.

Do I love Alan?

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now