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The next morning, Sheryl and I were in the yard, playing a game of basketball. As She scored the winning shot, a grey car pulled up, distracting me from her dance of celebration. Coach Boone and his daughter, Nicky, climbed out.

"How you doin', Coaches?" He greeted, nodding at the two of us.

"Good morning." We chorused, as Sheryl passed me the ball.

I dribbled the ball up to the hoop, before jumping up and tossing it in.

"Where's your dad?" He asked Sheryl, smiling in my direction.

"He's in his office." She said, turning and catching the ball, which I had thrown in her direction.

"Nicky, you all right?" He asked his daughter.

"Yes, daddy." She nodded.

"Julie, look after her while I'm gone, okay?" He joked, turning to walk off.

"You got it, Coach." I yelled after him. I turned to the girls, wiping sweat off of my face, "You two want a drink? I'm dyin' out here."

They nodded, and I walked back inside, getting three cups from the cupboard. After filling them with water, I walked back outside, balancing the glasses as I walked down the steps. I watched Sheryl throw the ball at Nicky, hoping for her to catch it, but she dodged it, holding up her freshly painted nails.

"I just did my nails."

I laughed, the two of them couldn't be so different. Handing them their drinks, I sipped my own, deciding to offer the two coaches a drink too. Pushing open the door, I saw Coach Boone hand uncle Bill a file.

"I asked him to analyse it for me. Every Coach has certain tendencies, all of them except Ed Henry." He said, leaning back into his chair.

"The only time we'd be seeing Ed Henry is at the state championship." Uncle Bill stated, flipping through the folder.

"Excuse me, Coaches." I said, making myself known. "I don't mean to interrupt, but I was wondering if you'd like something to drink?"

"Never mind a drink," My uncle waved off, gesturing for me to come over. "Take a look at this, Jules."

I took the folder, and carefully flipped through the pages. I smiled, we had the potential to win, but this new information was the cherry on top.

"This is just what we need." I complimented,handing him the folder back.

"This is great stuff. Every quarter broken down, how many times they run each player." Coach agreed.

Coach Boone grinned, "You like that, huh?"

"We'll be very tough defensively with this." Uncle Bill told him, handing me the folder to look at more thoroughly.

"I think so." Boone nodded, "I brought Nicky by. She was asking me about Sheryl. I'm getting ready to take her over to some of her friends' house. Anytime you want to bring her by the house, we'd be more than happy to have her. And that goes for you too, Julie."

I smiled, placing the folder on the table. "Thank you, Coach. How 'bout those drinks?"

"I'm all good, I gotta get going now anyway." Boone replied, standing from his chair.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now