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Tensions were high in school, though no more than usual. I walked up the staircase with Petey and Alan, laughing at a group of girls that were crowded around the window, giggling at something. I lent on my tiptoes, still holding Alan's hand, looking over their shoulders to see what they were watching. I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I caught sight of Ronnie doing some kind of martial arts positions.

One of the girls turned to the group, "Oh, he's so cute."

"He's in my third period class." Another fawned, playing with her hair.

"Y'all are seriously drooling over Sunshine?" I asked, putting on a look of disgust.

The school bell rang, and Petey walked up next to me, also curious to what they were so excited about.

"What are y'all staring at old Sunshine for?" He asked, not understanding why everyone was head-over-heels for him.

One of the girls rolled her eyes and pushed past Petey, Alan and I. Her group followed her up the stairs, and so did Petey.

"I'm the one dominating the field." He bragged, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Aren't I, Julie?"

"You oughta be careful, Petey. We wouldn't want you to get a big head. Not that it'd make much difference, yo' head is pretty big anyways." I joked, making him roll his eyes and Alan laugh, from behind me.

"He ain't played a minute all year." Petey went on, shaking his head.

"Who cares about the field?" One of the girls scoffed, turning away.

Petey looked at them, stating the obvious. "Well I don't want to be the one to break to break your heart, but Sunshine's from California."

The other rolled her eyes, sighing, "Yeah. A California dreamboat."

"A California dream boat." Alan mimicked, making me laugh.

"No." Petey huffed as we reached the top of the stairs, putting emphasis on all of his words. "Sunshine is from California. He's a Californian-"

One of the girls' boyfriends grabbed Petey, pulling him away from the girls. As Petey shrugged him off, Alan and I walked over and stood on either side of him.

"You talkin' to my girl?" The guy asked, jabbing Petey in the chest.

"I don't see any livestock around here, so I don't know what you talking about." Petey answered sarcastically.

Before any of us could react, the guy shoved Petey, and a group of white boys involved themselves in the fight. I went to step in front of Petey, but Alan pushed me out of the way as the guys shoved them both into the lockers. Alan turned around and punched one of them, leaving him staggering back and clutching a broken nose. I knew that Alan could handle himself, so I ran over to Petey, trying to push some of the guys off of him, but was thrown to the ground. A group of black guys from the team caught wind of what was happening, and ran over to help.

"Get off me! Get off of me!" Petey yelled, being slammed into the lockers repeatedly.

"I got you, Petey!" I shouted, climbing back up off of the ground.

I shoved the biggest guy, and as he stumbled back I kneed him in the stomach. He bent over, and I kicked him again , so that he was sprawled on the floor. The coloured guys had started fighting off the whites by now, and there was a giant crowd formed around us. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up, seeing Gerry.

"Get out of here!" He yelled over the noise, pushing me out of the circle.

"You want some?" I heard Petey yell, still struggling against the guys who had pinned him down.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now