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It had been a week since the first day of school, and nothing remotely interesting had happened since. It was the day of the opening football game of the season, and everyone was on edge. Tensions ran high during school, because of the lingering doubt that our football team wasn't ready. Everyone was wrong. We were ready for just about anything.

That was proved today.

Our team was stood in the boys locker room, except Coach Boone, buzzing with nerves and excitement. They hadn't let me enter until everyone had finished changing , and Petey had acted as the self-proclaimed security guard, since he'd finished changing first.

I sat crossed legged on one of the spare uniform cabinets, in between Alan's legs. He had his arms wrapped around me, and was toying with my shoelaces. Leaning against Alan's chest wasn't very comfortable, because of his gear. But it was better than having to stand, and at least I could help calm his nerves by sitting with him.

The sound of the other cheerleaders entertaining the crowd filled the changing room. I was supposed to be outside with them, but decided to join once the game had begun, so I could spend time with the team.

Creaking loudly, the changing room door opened, and Coach Boone entered. He looked nervous, and I couldn't blame him, this game had high stakes.

"Everybody on your feet. On your feet, on your feet. Let's go. Let's go." He ordered, clapping loudly as he walked into the center of the room.

I slid off of Alan's lap, and onto the floor. He slid down behind me, and put his hands on my hips, fiddling with the fabric of my cheer uniform.

"Listen up, I'm not gonna talk to you tonight about winnin' and losin'. You're already winners, 'cause you didn't kill each other up at camp." He begun, and all of us smiled at his motivational speech.

"Tonight, we got Hayfield. Like all the other schools in this conference, they're all white. They don't have to worry about race. We do. But we're better for it, men. But let me tell you something, you don't let anything, nothin', come between us. Nothin' tears us apart. In Greek mythology the Titans were greater, even than the Gods. They ruled their universe with absolute power. Well, that football field out there tonight, that's our universe. Let's rule it like Titans."

Coach's speech had succeeded in motivating the team, they put on their helmets, and were ready. I left the changing room first, running over to the cheer team, hoping that no one had realised that I'd disappeared. I crept to the back, hiding until they'd finished the routine. As the new routine began, I pushed to the front, getting into position. I received weird looks from some of the team, because I hadn't been there before. On my count, I was lifted by the base, and performed a basket toss, doing a pike before landing in the cheerleaders' arms.

The routine soon ended, as the Titans entered the pitch. Cheering for my brothers (and boyfriend) I waved my pompoms, jumping up and lifting my leg.

The Hayfield kicker started the game, punting the ball. Number 28 on the opposing team caught the ball, but was tackled to the ground by Avery Morton, number 21. I hadn't spoken to him much before, but when I had, he'd been nothing but charming towards me.

"So the Titans' defense takes the field for the first time against the Hayfield Hawks, led by quarterback Daniel Cullum on the Hawks' 32-yard line." The commentator said, as the ball was passed by the other team.

Number 24 caught the ball, and Alan ran over to tackle him, but missed, and fell to the ground.

"No! Get up Alan, you can do it!" I yelled, waving my pompoms in encouragement.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now