Capitolo 35

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You guys the amount of love this story is getting is unreal!!! We're almost at 15k reads and the story is almost coming to an end.

Thank you for ALL the love and support 💛💛💛💛

Cami walked next to Virginia in the hallway. The two had always sort of been friends, they hung out in the same friend group. But ever since she announced her pregnancy Cami and been spending more time with her.

"How much have you raised so far?" Cami asked referring to the 100 Days box Virginia was holding.

"Not very much," Virginia said, "Everyone is being so stingy."

"I don't know why you're going through all of the trouble," Cami said.

"You won't believe the house I found," Virginia said, "Grab my phone out of my bag. I'll show you!" Cami reached into her friend's bag looking for her phone. She pulled out something and her smile dropped. Virginia turned noticing the birth control pills in her hand.

"Not those!" Virginia said grabbing them, "I said get the phone." Cami took a step forward trying to put her hand on Virginia's stomach. The girl flinched away before going into the bathroom. Cami couldn't believe it. Why had Virginia lied about being pregnant?

"What exactly were you planning on fucking doing?" Cami asked, "We're you gonna fake the birth too?"

"I was gonna tell him," Virginia said, "I was just waiting for the right time."

"You really are crazy," Cami said.

"Yeah, all right," Virginia scoffed, "Sorry I didn't want to be alone." Cami started to walk away from the girl. She was so angry, and so sad for Nicco that Virginia had liked. "Cami, please don't say anything to Nicco."

She looked over at Virginia before walking back away from her. She noticed Ludovica walk into the bathroom. "Am I interrupting something?" Ludo asked, "What don't we want Nicco to know?"

"Nothing," Virginia said, "We were talking about the trip. So what do you care?"

"I fucking don't," Ludo said.

"See, you've got better things to do," Virginia said fixing her hair, "Plus the trip is only for students who are allowed to sit for their finals."

"You know now that you mention it," Ludo said walking closer to her, "Maybe I will go on the 100 Days trip."

"Maybe you can go next year with that loser best friend of yours," Virginia sassed.

"I'm gonna sit for the finals...and then we'll celebrate together," Ludo said kissing the air in front of Virginia's face.

"She's right," Cami said walking to stand next to Ludo.

"Awesome, then you can be the one to raise the money," Virginia said shoving the box toward Ludo.

"That's not fair," Cami claimed.

"It's that or nothing," Virginia said, "Think you can manage?"

"Sure I can," Ludo said grabbing the box, "I can get you all the money you need." Ludo walked out of the bathroom. Cami tried to follow but Virginia grabbed ahold of her wrist.

"If your brother dumps me you can go back to being friends with the slut," Virginia said. Cami ripped her arm from the girl storming out of the bathroom. She knew exactly what she needed to do.

- - - -

"Ginevra!" Vitto yelled as he ran through the hallway, "You gotta come see this!"

"What? I'm running late to class," Ginevra said.

"Class can wait," Vitto said, "You're gonna want to see this." Ginevra followed the boy through the hallways into the computer lab. Her mouth dropped when she saw the background on. It was a picture of Virginia that had a fake pregnant stomach photoshopped on it. The words read 'from the Queen of the school to the Queen of cringe'.

"She's not pregnant?" Ginevra asked looking over at Vitto.

"I guess not," Vitto said. Ginevra turned back to the computer staring at the monitor. She didn't know how to feel. She was mad at Virginia for lying, happy that she wasn't actually pregnant, and sad for Nicco. He'd been through so much lately, and all for a lie. She needed to go and find him.

- - - -

"How could you fucking lie to me!" Nicco yelled.

"Nicco I'm sorry," Virginia pleaded.

"Not only did you lie," Nicco said, "I look like a fucking idiot the way everyone found out!"

"I'm not the one that did that!" Virginia yelled back.

"No but you're the one that lied and made me believe you were pregnant," Nicco said.

"I'm sorry," Virginia pleaded.

"Why did you do it?" Nicco asked.

"I could feel you slipping away," Virginia said, "I didn't want to lose you."

"And what exactly were you going to do in a few months when people realized you weren't pregnant? When I realized you weren't pregnant!"

"I was going to tell you," Virginia said.

"And then what? You thought I was going to stay with you after I found out?!" Nicco yelled.

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking," Virginia said.

"That's pretty obvious," Nicco said.

"Nicco, please," Virginia cried.

"No. I don't ever want to see you again," Nicco said.

"Please. You can't do this," Virginia said, "I love you."

"Well I don't love you," Nicco said, "There's nothing you can do to save this."

"Nicco," Virginia cried.

"Just leave me alone," Nicco said, "Don't speak to me ever again." Nicco walked away from the crying girl. He couldn't believe she'd lied to him this whole time. He felt stupid, betrayed, and angry.

Nicco pulled out his phone and sent Cami and text that he was going home for the day. He couldn't be at school right now. Not with everyone looking at him the way they were.

- - - -

"Cami!" Ginevra yelled as she ran to her friend in the hall, "Where is Nicco?"

"He text me a while ago telling me he was going home for the day," Cami said.

"Thank you," Ginevra said starting to walk away.

"Ginevra!" Cami said grabbing ahold of her wrist.

"If I would have known Virginia was lying I would have told you," Cami said.

"I know," Ginevra said.

"Nicco might try and push you away right now," Cami said, "But don't let him. He needs someone right now and I think you might be the only one he'll listen to."

"I'm never going to let him go again," Ginevra said.

"Tell him that I love him," Cami said pulling her friend into a hug.

"I will," Ginevra said.

Also....sorry if that's not exactly what the picture on the computer was. I looked at it for like 5 minutes and still wasn't sure what the thing photoshopped on it was. If you know definitely let me know and I can change that in the story 😂😂

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