Capitolo 24

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Nicco sat in his classroom staring down at his phone. He was early so no one had arrived yet. The only reason he was so early was because Virginia wouldn't stop talking and it was giving him a headache. He'd made up some excuse about having to ask the teacher for help just to get away. He was stupid for getting back with her, and he knew that. But he needs something to occupy his mind.

He was scrolling through his phone when he found himself in a certain girl's messages. All of the messages said delivered but they hadn't been read. He assumed she must have just deleted the text thread without reading them. He had told her that he loved could she just ignore that?

Two voices walking into the room caught his attention. He looked up to see Carlo and Vitto entering the room. "There you are," Vitto said as he walked over to take his seat.

"Yeah, I needed to get some stuff done so I came in early," Nicco said closing out his messages and pushing his phone into his pocket.

"So how's your date with Ginevra go last night?" Carlo asked. Nicco's head turned to look at the two at the mention of Ginevra. He remembered seeing them together yesterday. It took everything in him not to walk over and punch Vitto when he saw him kiss the girl on her cheek.

"Didn't exactly go as planned," Vitto said.

"What happened?" Carlo asked. Nicco looked back down at his book, not wanting to get dragged into the conversation.

"Well we ended up having dinner with her dad," Vitto said, "So not the ideal first date."

"Did you say her dad?" Nicco asked, "As in Alessio Ricci?"

"Yeah," Vitto said, "Who else?"

"That sucks, bro," Carlo said.

"We did go out for ice cream after," Vitto said, "I think she really starting to like me." Vitto and Carlo kept talking but Nicco tuned them out. His mind was running wild. How could she not tell him her dad was back? How was she taking it? Was he clean now? Would hurt her again now that he was back?

Nicco stood up from his seat as more people filed into the classroom. He heard the teacher call out for him but he didn't turn back. He had to find Ginevra.

He searched the halls hoping that she wasn't in class yet. Though she most likely was since the bell was getting ready to ring. His hope was granted when he saw the girl walking next to Fabio near her classroom. "Ginevra!"

She tunes his way before whispering something to Fabio. She must have asked him to leave because with a nod, the boy was back walking down the hallway. "What do you want?"

"Can we talk?" Nicco asked.

"I really can't be lat—"

"Why didn't you tell me your dads back?" Nicco cut her off. Ginevra snapped her mouth shut as she looked at him. She glanced around before nodding for him to follow. Nicco followed her as she pushed a side door open. He watches as she looked around to make sure the coast was clear before she turned back to look at him. "Why didn't you tell me your dad was back?"

"I didn't really think it was something you needed to know," Ginevra said. Nicco scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What do you mean it wasn't something I needed to know?" Nicco said, "Did you just forget that week we spent together this summer?"

"Stop," Ginevra said.

"No, you stop," the boy said, "You came to me that night for help. I cleaned you up. I went back to your house with you to get your phone. I was there for you when you cried. I talked you through so much that week. Then—then we slept together and I thought things were great. I thought we'd finally come to some sort of agreement as to what this was between us."

"Nicco," Ginevra whispered, tears brimming her eyes.

"Then you went home and ignored me. I didn't know why, I was wracking my brain trying to figure out why. When my mom told me about your dad it all clicked into place," Nicco said, "I wanted nothing more than to be with you, to be there for you. And all you did was push me away... I just wanted to be there for you." Ginevra turned to the side so that Nicco couldn't see the tear that ran down her cheek.

"You wanted to be there for me huh?" Ginevra said, "Then how come not even 24 hours after I sent that text did I see you all over Virginia's story? You truly must have been heartbroken." Ginevra thought back to the pain in her heart when she saw the pictures and videos.

"That's not fair," Nicco said, "You told me to leave you alone. I tried for a whole month to get you to talk to me. You told me to leave you alone, what did you expect me to do?!"

"I—I don't know. I was hurting and I j-just needed time," Ginevra said.

"And I was willing to give you that time," Nicco said walking up to the girl and grabbing her hand, "But you pushed me away."

"None of that matters now," Ginevra said taking a step back from Nicco, "You're with Virginia and I can't...I won't do that to her again."

"Virginia means nothing to me," Nicco said taking another step toward the girl. His heart aching at her words. "I'll break up with her. Please, all I want is you." Nicco looked down into her eyes, his hand coming up to cup her cheek.

"You can't break up with Virginia," Ginevra said.

"I don't love her," Nicco said.

"If you don't love her then break up with her because of that," Ginevra said, "I won't have the reason your relationship gets messed up again be because of me again. That's not who I am."

"Ginevra," Nicco whispered, tears now forming in his eyes.

"I better get to class," Ginevra said, "I'm already late." Nicco watched as she walked through the door. He let the tears in his eyes roll down his cheeks. The thought of losing Ginevra forever sent pain through his chest like he'd never experienced before. He'd just probably lost the girl, and there was nothing he could do about it.

A little Nicco P.O.V-ish for you!

Also, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going back to work in about 2 weeks so I'm gonna be pretty busy. Updates on this story might not be as consistent but I'm determined to finish it! I love Ginevra and Nicco too much to stop writing this.

Thank you so all the love at support! Don't forget to vote and comment 💛

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