Chapter 52: Attempting To Sort Out Feelings

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I stumbled backwards but managed to regain my balance. The person I collided into, however, was thrown completely off their feet and landed sprawled on their back in front of me, looking dazed.

'Ten Ten!' I gasped, rushing over to her side and helping her up. 'I am so sorry! I wasn't looking -'

'Clearly,' she smiled weekly, rubbing her forehead as she stood up. 'Why are you in such a hurry anyways?'

'I had to see someone urgently -' I said quickly before I stopped in realization. I stared at her wide-eyed. 'That's right - I was looking for you!'

She blinked. 'Me? Why?'

'I need to talk to you.' I mumbled, avoiding eye contact. 'Like what Ino would label as "girl talk".'

She cocked an eyebrow at me. y'all right ... Let's find a suitable place first.'

The two of walked over to a playground that was empty (Obviously since it was late at night).

I sat on a swing and Ten Ten followed, sitting on the swing next to me.

'So, what's up?'

I sighed before launching into the story of me and Sasuke. When I started developing feelings for him, how he treated me days before he left the village, our little encounters while he was a rogue and of course, the conversation I overheard between him and Sakura how he still kept my ribbon

Each time I spoke, her eyes just seemed to grow bigger until I was genuinely afraid they would pop out of her eye sockets. By the time I was done talking, her mouth was hanging open.

'So, yeah.' I said, scratching the back of my head. 'I don't know whether I should forgive him or not -'

She grabbed my ear and pulled on it harshly.

'Ow, ow, ow!'

'I can't believe you didn't tell me!' she said, her iron grip worsenjng. 'How could you not have told me earlier!'

'Ow, I'm sorry! I was scared of my feelings, alright?' I defended, trying to pry her fingers away. 'No one but my brothers and Naruto and Shikamaru know - and they found out! I didn't plan on telling them - OW! GOD DAMN IT WOMAN! ARE YOU PLANNING ON RIPPING HALF MY FACE OFF AS WELL?'

'Don't be so loud.' she said, finally letting go of me. 'People could be sleeping.'

'Yeah, well, I could have become disfigured.' I grumbled, rubbing my burning ear gingerly.

To my surprise, she smiled at me. 'I think you should forgive him.'

'What?' I stared at her in shock. How could she come to a decision this fast?

'I mean, I can see he holds feelings for you.' she said, putting a hand on my shoulder. 'And you clearly still have strong feelings for him. Besides, just because you forgive him doesn't mean you have to become lovers or anything. You could remain friends and see how things go from here. Not forgiving him isn't going to solve anything. Both of you are just gonna feel really hurt when you see each other. I mean, I'm just saying.'

I frowned. 'I should come to you more for advice from now own.'

She laughed. 'Go ahead. And no more secrets from me!' she warned jokingly, wiggling a finger between my eyes.

I grinned and nodded. 'Promise. Also, thanks a lot. My heart feels a lot lighter now.'

'You're not just saying that, right?' she raised an eyebrow at me and smirked, putting a hand on her hip as she stood up.

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