Chapter 7: Momochi Zabuza

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'It's huge!' Naruto said, loudly, as he looked at the construction site in amazement.

'Hey, keep quiet!' the owner of the boat we were currently on, warned him. 'We're using this boat and hiding in the mist. That's why I'm rowing instead of using the engine. In other words, if we get caught - we're in trouble.'

After a while, we finally reached the pier.

'Alright, take me home safely.' Tazuna demanded.


And so, we continued walking once more. I walked beside Naruto, in front of everyone else, when Sasuke caught up to us, just casually walking.

I couldn't help but look at him from the corner of my eye, until I noticed what I was doing. I blinked and looked away, only to see Naruto run off to the front.

He started looking around.

'Naruto, what're you doing?' I raised an eyebrow at him, continuing to walk but stopped dead in my tracks when he yelled -

'There!' And he threw a kunai into the bush, making us all go wide-eyed (well everyone but Sasuke).

All of us, stood rooted to the ground and only relaxed when Naruto straightened up and declared that it was just a mouse.

I face-palmed.

'Stop showing off!' Sakura scolded. 'There was nothing there!'

'Please, Naruto. Don't throw your knives around so carelessly,' Kakashi sensei told him, recovering from shock. 'It's dangerous in the first place.'

'Hey Dwarf!' Tazuna yelled angrily. 'Don't scare us!'

'I see someone hiding over there!' Naruto said, ignoring all our comments. 'No, is he over there?'

'There!' He threw another kunai into a bush.

Sakura hit him on the head, angrily. 'Idiot! I told you to stop!'

He clutched his head in pain and turned to her sadly. 'But I really did sense someone.'

'Liar, cut it out!' she snapped.

Kakashi sensei walked towards the bush where Naruto had thrown his kunai, and I walked behind him, seeing a white rabbit, who looked shocked to death.

'Ah, Naruto.' I sighed exasperatedly. 'It was just a rabbit,'

'Naruto!' Sakura yelled. 'Look what you've done!'

'Rabbit ...' He walked towards the rabbit before picking it up and cuddling it close to his face and cried, 'Sorry, I didn't mean it! I'm sorry, rabbit!'

I then noticed Kakashi sensei look around suspiciously. I was about to ask him whether something was wrong when he yelled, 'Duck!'

My eyes darted towards the huge sword that was heading towards us. I gasped, paralyzed for a second, before I was about to bend down but instead of getting down myself, someone grabbed me by my hood, pulling me down with him or her.

I looked up and saw the sword that had been thrown at us, stuck in a tree trunk, with a shirtless ninja standing on too of it. Half his face concealed by bandages.

I stood up slowly as I no longer felt the grip on my hoodie. I turned to look at the person who grabbed me - no way! Sasuke again? I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. He helped me twice in one day... It made me feel useless actually... Like I'm not capable of taking charge of my own safety ... But, I mustn't be an ingrate.

'Oh, my, my,' Kakashi sensei said, walking towards the ninja on the huge sword. 'You are Momochi Zabuza, the exiled ninja of the Hidden Village of Mist.'

'Exiled ninja?' I said quietly to myself. Exactly how strong was this man?

And then, once again, for the umpteenth time today, Naruto charged towards him but was stopped by Kakashi sensei's hand blocking his way.

'You're in the way,' said Kakashi sensei. 'Stay back, everyone.'

'Why?!' Naruto protested.

'He's way different from the guys we met before.' Sensei answered. 'If he's our enemy,' his hands moved to his head protector. 'I can't win like this.'

'I'm guessing you are Kakashi the Sharingan user.' the exiled ninja said. 'I'm sorry but I'll need you to hand over the old geezer.'

Sharingan? Kakashi Sensei has the Sharingan? I thought only the Uchihas were suppose to have it.

'Everyone, protect Tazuna-san.' Sensei ordered us, hand still on his head band. 'Don't join the battle.'

'What?' Sakura said softly.

'To not interfere with the battle is teamwork,' Kakashi sensei answered before lifting up his forehead protector, showing a scar that cut through his eyelid before revealing a red eye - the Sharingan.

How did he?

'Let's cut the chit chat here,' Zabuza said, bending down on the handle of his sword. 'I have to kill that geezer right away.'

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and I immediately ran to Tazuna, side by side with a kunai in our hands.

He landed on the water swiftly with his sword now strapped to his back.

'Mist concealment.'

And with that, he disappeared.

'This mist is only getting thicker!' Naruto stated worriedly.

'Don't worry. I'll protect you four with my life,' Kakashi sensei said, turning his head around and giving us a closed eye smile. 'I won't let anyone in my team die.'

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