Chapter 14: Genins from The Sand

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After getting fully dressed, I grabbed my maroon ribbon from my dresser and walked towards my mirror. I pulled my hair back into it's usual ponytail and I secured it with my ribbon before grabbing my forehead protector and putting it on. I glanced at my reflection and nodded when I decided I looked presentable enough to go out.

Once I got to the bridge, where we (Team 7) were suppose to assemble at, I saw all my teammates were already there. But no Kakashi sensei. Typical.

I approached them and put a hand up. 'Hey - uh ...'

I glanced at Naruto and Sasuke awkardly when I realized they were having a glare showdown.

I sighed, walking over to Sakura.'Are they still at it?' I said quietly.

'Yeah,' she said exasperatedly. 'They've been acting weird ever since we returned from the Country of Wave.'

My shoulders slumped. Can Kakashi sensei just hurry up and get here?'
After what felt like a year, Sasuke and Naruto had stopped glaring at each other, but sensei had still not appeared.

'Hello, everyone. Good morning.' Kakashi sensei said, finally appearing. 'I got lost today, so -'

'You're LATE!' we said angrily.

'Hey, hey, Kakashi sensei!' Naruto said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. 'We, the 7th squad have been only doing easy missions, right?'

Sensei put up his hands and leaned back, surprised by his sudden enthusiasm.
Naruto clenched his fists and looked determined. 'Isn't there a mission where I can play an active role, and something that's more exciting?'

Tough luck, Naruto. No exciting missions today either. Instead, we were pulling weeds out. The type of mission I was in for currently.

Beside me, I saw Naruto glance at Sasuke over his back before pulling his sleeves up.

'Alright, I'm not going to lose to Sasuke.'

I smiled at his determination. Well, I'd better not disturb him then. I chose a nice spot that had plenty of weeds to pluck.

Apparently, leaving Naruto alone was something I should have thought through because instead of plucking out the weeds, he plucked out the herbs. Yes, the herbs. Well, anyways, he received a black eye from the woman who owned the plantation.

Our next mission was to collect rubbish from a river. Not exactly my cup of tea, but it wasn't anything really tiring or difficult.

But then, all of a sudden, Naruto slipped and fell inside the water, being washed away by the current towards the waterfall.

Wait, waterfall? Shit!

He reached the edge of the waterfall and then -

'Free fall!' I heard him yell as he, well, fell.

'Baka!' I yelled, my eyes widening. I was about to go after him myself but then as usual, Sasuke got him instead.

For our next mission, we had to walk dogs. Of course Sasuke, Sakura and I chose small dogs that we knew would be manageable. Whereas Naruto, chose a huge bull dog.

Apparently, the dog was stronger than Naruto because he was dragging him towards a trap field, despite Naruto's protests.

'N-Naruto, stop that dog! Stop that -'I began but then the explosions had gone off.

'That idiot,' Sasuke sighed.

I face-palmed.

By the of the end Sasuke and I had to practically drag and carry Naruto as we walked around.

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