Chapter 24: (I can't think of anything)

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I thought it was the end for me when Rokuro straddled me, pulling out a kunai from his weapon pouch. He slashed it around my hip and I shut my eyes tightly, getting ready for the pain. But, I didn't feel anything. My eyes snapped open to see Rokuro with an arrogant smirk, holding up a weapon pouch. My weapon pouch.

My eyes widened. What I did to Kasumi when we fought, he just did the same to me.

He leaned towards me. 'I have to thank you. I would never have thought of this idea until I saw you do it in the last match when you fought against the woman from the mist.'

I growled at him. He didn't seem intimidated in anyway at all. Instead, he got off me and stood up, holding out a hand.

'Give up, Makoto.' he said arrogantly. 'You're a weapon user, you know you have no chance against me without your weapons.'

I eyed his hand and slowly raised up my own, nearly reaching his.

'What are you doing?' Naruto yelled. 'Makoto, don't give up!'

'Well, what do you say?' he said, raising an eyebrow.

I extended my arm further until our finger tips were touching. He smirked.

I pushed him with force. His eyes widened in surprise as he fell backwards.

I got up abruptly and scrambled to get to his sword, only to get my leg pulled by him, making me fall flat on my face.

I clicked my tongue and tried to wiggle my leg out of his grasp, resulting in me kicking him somewhere. I didn't know where, though.

'Ow! My face!'

Okay, now I know.

Pushing myself up once more, I jumped over to where the sword lay, grabbed it and turned around, pointing to in front of me just in time to point it to Rokuro's chest.

A bead of sweat trailed down from the side of his face onto the floor.

I smirked, panting. 'You've got my weapons, I've got your sword.'

He looked into my eyes and I saw fear in them. He took a step back, his hand stealthily reaching into my weapon pouch. I narrowed my eyes at his moving hand.

Taking his sword, I slashed it across his arm, making him yell in pain. I took a step forward and kicked him hard in the chest, causing him to fly backwards onto the ground. I hurried over and stood over him, my legs on either side of his waist.

I pointed his sword under his chin and smirked. 'Does this mean I win?'

He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes.

'I'm not going to lose to a -'

I glared at him and lifted up a leg before stomping onto his chest. He coughed heavily, eyes wide. And then, his head turned motionlessly towards the floor, his eyes closed.

I stared at his unmoving figure as cheers erupted into my ears.

The sword slid from my hand. I caught a glimpse of Naruto's grinning face before my knees buckled under me. I blacked out.



I walked around aimlessly, my eyes looking around at different people who all had their own destinations to go to.

I wanted my destination to be where Sasuke was at. But I knew, it was best to leave him alone.

Sasuke ...

He's been acting different ever since the Sand attacked Konoha under Orochimaru's orders. He's been training even more than he usually did. He's gotten colder as well. I hadn't seen him in quite a while since we hadn't had any missions. Even so, I could tell he was starting to feel inferior to Naruto after the fight with Gaara. I wanted to talk to him about it the last time while he was training but he just brushed me off.

I continued walking, about to turn around a corner of a building when -


Someone collided into me with so much force, I fell backwards, my back hitting the floor.

'Ow ...' I groaned in pain, slowly looking at the person who had collided into me: Sasuke.

I felt my cheeks heat up and my stomach fluttered. Our eyes met and I realized our noses were touching.

I could have melted into the floor. Then, become one with the floor.

I blinked and he hurriedly got off, a faint blush visible on his cheeks. He pulled me up and grabbed me by the elbows, pulling me towards him slightly as he looked into my eyes, looking serious and frantic.

'Makoto, where's Naruto?' he asked, panting.

I blinked. 'Naruto? I'm not sure - maybe try Ichiraku's?'

'Thanks.' He mumbled, before he let go of me and ran off, his shoulder brushing against mine.

I blinked before running after him.

'Oi! Why are you in such a hurry?' I yelled after him, looking at the back of his head.

He turned his head slightly, looking at me. His expression unreadable. 'You stay here!'

I sighed, listening to him. I watched as he continued running. I wanted to run after him, talk to him, maybe even joke around a little. But I knew that this wasn't the time to do so.


Hey guys, sorry about the huge time skip but I didn't want to drag things any further. Also, sorry about the length of this chapter, I know it was pretty short. But anyways, thanks for reading~

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