Chapter 1: Meet my Family

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I panted, throwing another shuriken at the tree about four meters away from me. Watching it slice the air, I clicked my tongue in annoyance as it went slightly above the mark I was hoping to hit.

I tucked a loose strand of my midnight-blue hair behind my ear before groaning. I absolutely hated it when my hair fell from my ponytail.

I shook my head, trying to push away the thought of my hair and got ready to throw another shuriken.

'I see you're training hard.'

My eyes widened. I slowly broke into a grin and turned around as I recognized the owner of the voice.

'Nii-san!' I said, walking over to my older brother who was standing next to a tree, with his ANBU uniform without the mask.

My older brother - Tsukino Mamoru. He was tall and had a good built. With his dark brown hair pulled back into a low pony tail as his fringe framed both sides of his face. I don't have to tell you if he's good looking or not, you just have to walk around with him along the streets of Konoha and see how many girls try to get him to go out with them. But, he always refuse to. Guess he just couldn't be bothered. I guess you could call him the Tsukino prodigy. He became an ANBU squad captain at 14 and now, he was currently 18. It's hard having him as a brother at times - always getting compared to him. He brought honor to our clan. But, he's still the perfect older brother for me and I wouldn't ask for anyone different. Besides, he never wanted all that attention and he's always been humble.

The Tsukino Clan. Our Kekkei Genkei is the Murasakigan. What's that, you ask? Well, we're able to move objects with our eyes. Sounds pretty cool, huh? Guess you could say that. Our eyes turn purple when we use it and different people obtain the Murasakigan at different ages (mostly at the age of 13 to 14). Both my parents obtained theirs at thirteen. My brother obtained his by the age of seven - he was a prodigy since he was a kid. I obviously don't have it yet. Besides, I'm no prodigy.

'Its getting late,' he said, motioning to the dark sky. 'Did you lose track of time?'

I looked up and smiled sheepishly when I saw the dark, cloudless sky. 'Hmm... I guess I did lose track of time.'

He peered at me sternly with eyes stormy grey eyes - which were identical to mine. 'Otousan and Okaasan are probably worried about you being out this late.'

I turned away from him and scowled. 'They'll probably be happy to get an excuse to scold me like they always do ...' I muttered.

His eyes softened and he put a hand on my head. 'You know that's not true, Makoto.' He said, smiling kindly. 'They just care about you -'

'Why are you already back from your mission?' I interrupted, eager to change the subject. 'I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning?'

He sighed, seeming upset over the sudden change in my attitude. 'I managed to complete the mission earlier. Although I was planning to reach Konoha early in the afternoon today.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'Why were you planning on coming back so early?'

Nii-San smiled. He tapped my hidden Leaf forehead protector with a finger. 'To see you graduate the academy with your new forehead protector. What else?'

My eyes widened slightly, 'You actually remembered?' I asked, surprised.

A small frown appeared on his lips. 'Why would I forget - did Otousan and Okaasan -?'

'Forget?' I completed his sentence, laughing bitterly. 'I don't think they actually care. I entered the house with this -' I pointed to my forehead protector, ' - and they just ignored it.'

Nii-san looked at me, forcing a smile and bending down so that we were on the same eye level. 'Maybe they just have too many things on their mind, Makoto. Don't let it bother you too much,' he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. 'Alright?'

I shrugged his hand off, keeping my weapons into my weapon pouch. 'Yeah, alright.' I lied, stone-faced. What else was I suppose to do? Cry to my Nii-san and talk about how unfair our parents were to me? No way! He's busy enough, he doesn't need to a twelve year old emotional sister to dump her problems onto him.

I walked back towards him and forced a smile. 'Let's head back. We'll make it in time for dinner.'

He nodded, ruffling my hair before the two of us walked towards the direction of the Tsukino compound.

As we walked into the Tsukino compound, my clan members all came out of their house to personally greet Nii-san. I, on the other hand, stood next to him awkwardly as he politely excused us, telling them we were late for dinner.

Finally, we arrived.

'We're home!' Nii-san said loudly, but politely. He removed his ninja sandals and placed then nearly together while I kicked mine off, tossing them to one side.

I heard footsteps approaching us hurriedly. I sighed. Wait for it ...

'Mamoru!' Okaasan smiled, hugging him. 'You're back early!'

'I managed to complete my mission earlier for -'

'That's my boy!' Otousan said proudly, patting Nii-san on the back.

'You're just in time for dinner!' Okaasan beamed, before her eyes trailed over to me. She sighed and shook her head disapprovingly.

'Makoto, what are we going to do with you?' She said, folding her arms.

'Let me be and ignore whatever I did wrong?' I said hopefully.

Otousan tutted. 'Look at the state you're in!' He said, sounding outraged. 'Mamoru went on a mission for three days while you just went out for a few hours and he comes back looking decent while you end up looking like a big mess!'

'Why can't you act more ladylike?' Okaasan questioned.

I looked at my hands and only then did I realise that I was covered in dirt.

'I was training,' I said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

'Just listen to that tone! It must be because of the people you mix with that you turned out to act like this!' Otousan said, frowning.

'I told you to stop hanging out with that blonde delinquent!' Okaasan cried. 'He's nothing but trouble -'

'Naruto's not a delinquent!' I defended.

' - and that boy with the dog! Absolutely rough and loud!'

'Kiba's not bad! He's -' I started, but was once again, ignored.

'- and that lazy boy and that boy who keeps eating! They're no better!'

I clenched my fists and stomped my feet, instantly quieting the entire house. My parents and Nii-san looked at me, shocked.

'I'm not hungry,' I lied. ' I'm going to take a shower and then get some sleep.'

I walked past them and up the stairs, feeling my blood boil.

I heard my mum tutting from downstairs. 'What am I going to do with that girl? She doesn't even act like a girl! Why can't she even hang out with girls instead of boys?'

I clenched my fists tighter, my nails sinking into my palms. I entered my room and slammed the door shut.

I kicked the wall, fuming. Why did they always have to judge who I hung out with? It's so annoying! URGH!

I shook my head and pulled my hair out of my extremely messy pony tail. Maybe a quick shower will cool me down ... And so, that's what I did.


Hey guys, so how was this chapter? I know I know, sasuke hasn't appeared yet. But I thought I should just let you guys know more about my OCs since I wanted them to have more depth. Anyways, don't worry! Sasuke will appear either in the next chapter or the chapter after that. Thanks for reading!

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