Chapter 31: Too Much Drama

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I sat, hunched over my desk, my eyebrows knit together in concentration. A kunai in my left hand and a glossy, smooth, black stone - which I was currently using to sharpen my kunai, in my right. My eyes slowly left the my kunai and absentmindedly to the picture frame which stood at the corner of my desk. A picture that was taken a year ago. A picture of team seven.

I wonder how Naruto's doing. When will he be returning? It's kind of boring not having him around. I can't wait for the day he returns. My eyes then shifted to the other boy in the picture. Forgetting that my hands were still moving, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right index finger.

I hissed in pain as my eyes tore away from the picture to my finger which had a clear cut across, a trail of blood slid down the finger and onto the table. I sighed and slid open the drawer of my desk, taking out a bandage. I wrapped it around my finger before standing up and stretching.

I hadn't seen Otousan an Okaasan since I moved out and I haven't heard anything from them. I act like I'm completely happy about that - that I couldn't care any less that they weren't worried about me or asking me to move back in. I couldn't bring myself to give up on my hopes that they actually missed having me around and that they actually cared about me. It was stupid, but it was the truth.

I glanced over at the clock on the wall: Three o'clock in the afternoon.

I decided to grab a snack. I exited my house, locking the door behind me before I began walking around the village, careful to avoid any of my clan members. I didn't want them giving me those disapproving looks I always received when I walked past them.

I heard a dog bark behind me, followed by familiar voice.

'Oi, Makoto!'

I smiled, turning around. 'Hey, Kiba. Hey, Akamaru.'

Kiba jogged up to me, Akamaru following behind.

I scratched Akamaru behind the ears, making his tongue stick out. I couldn't help but laugh before facing Kiba.

'Are you taking Akamaru for a walk?' I asked.

Kiba grinned. 'Yup. We're on our way to go grab a snack before we return home.'

'Awesome,' I said. 'I'm planning on grabbing a snack too -'

Akamaru barked happily.

'Let's go then!' Kiba yelled, punching the air.

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. What an enthusiastic pair ...

'So how's it like, living alone?' Kiba asked, while we walked.

I shrugged. 'It's fine, I guess. Although it does get a little boring sometimes - Kiba, are you alright?'

He had gone pale and was staring straight ahead, his mouth slightly agape. I raised an eyebrow before curiously looking to where his eyes were looking at.

I muttered a curse. Otousan and Okaasan stood about three meters away, ears slightly red and eyes filled with anger. They stomped over to me and I got ready for whatever was going to happen.

'So that's where you've been?' Okaasan hissed. 'Living with this - this boy?'

Kiba and I shook our heads vigorously.

'It's not like that!' I protested. 'I'm living on my own -'

'No wonder Mamoru refused to tell us anything about your whereabouts!' Otousan cut me off, glaring at Kiba.

'And what's with that fringe of yours covering your eye?' Okaasan demanded, hands on her hips. 'You look an idiot! You refuse to come back home because of this boy?'

Akamaru growled, baring his fangs. I glanced over at Kiba who had his fists clenched.

'You're not even letting her talk! You call yourselves her parents?' He growled, putting an arm in front of me.

Otousan's eyes flickered dangerously. 'Shut your mouth, boy. It's your fault she's become like this.'

'An embarrassment to the entire clan!' Okaasan added. 'We've done all we could for you, treated you so well and this is how you repay your parents?'

I scoffed. 'All you've done for me? Treated me so well?' I laughed bitterly before glaring at them. 'The only reason I hadn't left the house earlier was because of Nii-san. The only reason I manage to be happy even after all those shit I get at home is because of him -' I grabbed Kiba's arm. '- and all those other friends you disapprove of!'

My parents stood there, speechless. Mouths hanging.

'I might be a Tsukino by blood, but I have never felt as though i was part of the family.' I said coldly. I threw a kunai between me and my parents. It stabbed the ground, standing upright. I turned away from them. 'Goodbye.'

I pulled Kiba together with me, as we walked away from the two adults, Akamaru whimpering behind us as he followed.

'Hey, you alright?' Kiba asked cautiously.

I forced a smile and nodded. I guess he knew I didn't want to bring up the matter because he didn't speak of it.


I stirred, hearing leaves rustle. Leaves? I thought I fell asleep on my bed?

My eyes fluttered open, seeing a black sky and several trees. Trees?

'So you're finally awake?'

I gasped, sitting upright and turning to direction of the voice. My heart stopped. I stared, hardly daring to believe it. 'Sasuke?'

He was sitting there, cross-legged. He still looked the same as when he left. He got up and motioned me to come over.

Tearing myself from my daze, I pushed myself up and walked over to him slowly before I broke into a run and threw my arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. His arms slowly locked around me tightly and I calmed down. This feeling ... I missed it ...

'Why did you leave?' I cried, gripping onto his shirt.

'I'm sorry.' he said softly. He pressed his lips against my forehead and I shivered slightly. I looked up at him to see him smiling. 'I love you, Makoto.'

I smiled through my tears. 'I love you -' my eyes widened in horror as he began fading. ' -no, where are you going? No, come back! NO!'

I woke up with a gasp, sitting up abruptly, cold sweat on my forehead. I panted, looking around me. I was in my room.

Just a dream, I thought. I rubbed my eyes with me index finger and thumb. I sighed, slumping into my pillow. It's still night time ... What was with that dream? Sasuke, where the hell are you? Do you see what you're doing to me? Why can't you just come back? Why?

My eyelids began to droop and to my relief, sleep took over.


How was this chapter guys? If you're sick and tired about Makoto's parents and stuff, don't worry. The next chapter is going to be the Naruto Shippuden Era:)

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