Chapter 42: Sasuke's embrace

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I then realized that he was standing over someone. I narrowed my eyes at the person on the floor and I couldn't help but pity her. She was bruised and scratched badly, her glasses lopsided and her red hair spread around her. Then, it hit me - I knew this girl. This girl was the same girl who was travelling around with Sasuke. But what happened to her? Why wasn't Sasuke doing anything to help her? Did she betray him?

'What are you doing here?' Sasuke's voice tore me away from my thoughts. 'What are you plotting?'

I forced myself to look at him and felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand, seeing the stream of blood trail from his eye to the bottom of his face.

'Sasuke-kun ...' Sakura said softly, taking a step towards him.

I held a hand in front of her, glaring at Sasuke. 'Sakura, heal the girl. She might be of use to us.'

'Use to us?' said Sakura. 'What do you mean?'

'Information,' I said impatiently. 'Just heal her,'

'Alright,' said Sakura, taking a step forward as I brought my hand to my side. 'But what're you going to do?'

Eyes not leaving Sasuke, I reached for the metal rod on my back and pulled it out. 'I fight.'

I swung my metal rod at him just as he jumped out of the way, onto a tree. I growled, why the hell was there a bloody tree in the middle of a bridge? Guess it was pretty stupid that I was wondering about a tree in the middle of a fight but I was genuinely annoyed.

He looked down at me from the tree, smirking as if taunting me to come and attack. Feeling both hurt and angry, I jumped onto the tree, throwing several shurikens at him with my free hand, only to have him jump off onto the high walls of the bridge and begin running the opposite way. I followed.

Once we were quite a distance away from Sakura and the redhead, (I could no longer see them) he sent several shurikens at me. Using my rod to deflect all of them, I ran towards him and aimed a punch at his head which he dodged and caught my arm before swinging me over him which I took the opportunity to kick his back but ended up missing as he dodged once more.

His left hand then lit up with blue light, with the familiar sound of several birds chirping at once. His eyes met mine and he gave me a bone-chilling smile.

'I recall promising you that I'd kill you the next time I saw you,' he said, taking a step towards me. My heart clenched painfully and I felt my eyes sting.

'I don't want to fight you,' I said, my voice cracking. The next thing I did probably made me deserve to get a kick in the face but I didn't care at that moment. My fingers loosened around my metal rod, causing it to clatter onto the ground noisily.

Shock flashed through Sasuke's eyes as his Chidori disappeared. Feeling slightly encouraged by this, I took a towards him.

'Please, Sasuke.' I said, trying hard not to run into his arms and bury my face into his chest. Feeling my palms go sweaty, I took another step forward. 'All of us want you back. We miss you ... I ... I need you ...'

'Makoto ...' he said, looking speechless. His hands fell limply to his sides.

I was about to take another step towards him but the next I knew was that his arms were tightly wrapped around me, his chin resting on my shoulders, our bodies pressed against each other.

My heart skipped a beat as warmth surged throughout my entire body until the tips of my fingers.

'Makoto,' he breathed, lips brushing my cheeks. 'Why won't you give up on me?'

I wrapped my own arms around him and pulled him closer to me. 'I just can't. I try to ... but I'm still in love with you.'

I felt him tense.

'You still love me?' he said, pulling away. He rested his hands on my shoulders, looking slightly surprised.

I smiled, nodding. I stared into his eyes, ignoring the fact that they didn't hold much emotions in them. 'No matter how much I told myself to hate you, it didn't work -'

He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. Immediately, I melted into the kiss, feeling my legs turn to jelly, he put his hands on my waist, supporting me.

'Thank you,' he said, pulling away from the kiss but our faces were only an inch apart. I felt his breath on my lips. 'I promise .. not to leave you again and this time ... I mean it. I really mean.'

Our lips met once again.
I felt his tongue lick my lower lip, making my face heat up and making me lose control over my body. One of his hands rested on my thigh, making me let out a small gasp. I felt his other hand leave another my waist and I waited for it to rest on another part of my body (not that way, it doesn't have to be either of 'those' areas, you sickos) but felt nothing.

Hearing a loud thud and and growl, his lips left mine and his body was no longer close to mine, making me shiver slightly at the cold air.

'Sasuke!' I gaped, seeing him, clutching the right side of his face as he glared at something or someone standing next to me. I turned my head. 'Naruto?'

'Makoto, you shouldn't have left your guard down.' said Naruto, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him, his glare at Sasuke not faltering once. 'Look at what's in his hand.'

I looked at the hand the kunai which his fingers were wrapped around.

I clenched my fists, feeling as if I'd been walloped in the chest. 'You bastard ...' I growled, clenching my fists tightly. 'You tricked me again. You ...'

'Did you honestly think I care about your feelings towards me?' Sasuke sneered, straightening up. 'What a joke.'

I began shaking in anger, feeling my eyes become blurry with tears.

With a flash, Kakashi sensei and Sakura appeared in front of me and Naruto, facing Sasuke.

'Kakashi sensei? I said, shocked and for a split second, forgetting my anger towards Sasuke.

'Your timing is better than mine, Naruto.' said Kakashi. 'I never imagined you coming here. You're a life saver!'

'Sasuke,' Naruto growled, his grip on my arm tightening. 'Makoto is a fellow ninja from Team seven.'

Sasuke smirked. 'Was a fellow ninja. I no longer belong.'

'Now do you understand, Naruto, Sakura, Makoto?' said Kakashi, his eyes narrowed at Sasuke. 'His intent to kill is real. Sasuke is no longer the same person as before.'

'It appears so,' I said, through gritted teeth as I held back my tears.


I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom, folding my arms. Tears were streaming down my face, my heart in so much pain that I wanted to rip it out. Sasuke lied to me again. And I was an idiot to actually believe him. I believed him ... will never trust him again... no matter what he says ...


I will move on. I will hate him. I will not forgive him ...


Okay, before any of you guys murder me, I have a very good reason for not updating for a very long time. I had to get married to Thranduil, the Elvin King. Lol nah, I've been busy. Super busy. I'll be taking my O' levels this year and I've been coming home late from school and I have tests almost everyday as well. And my parents have been driving me crazy because apparently they think I'm not 'studying enough'. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you guys that I won't be updating frequently this year but after my Exams, I promise I will! Hope you guys understand.

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