Chapter 28: Thank you's & Sorry's

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I stared at the huge words on the building : KONOHA HOSPITAL

I entered the building and walked over to the receptionist, asking for Sasuke's room. I hadn't talked to him at all after our mission. I thought it was best to leave him alone for a while. Plus, I guess you could say I was still feeling a little hurt. Just a teeny bit.But today, I wanted to go check on him. Sakura and Naruto would be visisting later on as well

Once I reached his room, I took in a deep breath before knocking on the door three times.

No response.

Just as I suspected. I slowly slid open the door to see Sasuke laying on his back, his arms behind his head, eyebrows knitted together and his eyes staring blankly at the grey ceiling, looking lost in thought.

'Hey,' I greeted, entering the room and closing the door behind me. I walked past his bed and sat down on the stool located by the window.

His eyes lingered on me for a moment before they returned to the ceiling.

I looked out of the window, eyes on the kids playing outside but my mind on the boy in the same room as I currently am.

'I know I'm in no place to understand how you feel.' I said, not turning to look at him. 'But that doesn't mean I don't want to try and help you -'


My head turned, seeing him sit up. With a hand, he motioned me to come forward.

I got off of my seat and slowly walked towards him before sitting at the at the edge of his bed. Contemplating for what felt like a year, I decided to rest my hand on his own. He stiffened and I nearly removed my hand when he put his other hand onto mine and gave it a small squeeze.

He avoided my eyes by looking very interested in the plain white sheets. His cheeks a light shade of pink. I felt the familiar tug in the pit of my stomach.

The door slid open and automatically, I leapt off the bed and near the stool were I was formerly sitting.

Sakura entered, carrying a bag of apples. She looked surprised to see me. 'Oh, Makoto? You're already here?'

I sat down on the stool, my heart thumping painfully against my chest. That was close ... Too close. If she saw my hand in Sasuke's ...

'Hey, Makoto!' Naruto greeted, entering the room as well.

'Here you go, Sasuke-kun.' Sakura said, offering him a slice of apple.

Sasuke slapped it out of her hand, sending the apple slices and a plate flying.

I gasped, standing up and looking at Sasuke in shock. What in the world -?

'Oi, Naruto ... Fight me right now.'

My eyes widened and walked towards him. 'Sasuke, you just got healed!'

'I don't care!' he yelled, pushing me aside. I stumbled backwards, my back painfully colliding into the bed frame. My fists clenched. What? At first he's fine but the next second ...

He got off the bed, landing in front of Naruto. 'You said you wanted to fight me, right? Or are you afraid?'

'Sasuke-kun, why? Naruto, say something!' Sakura cried, trying to get in between them.

Naruto smirked. 'Perfect timing. I was just itching to fight you!'

'Naruto!' I scolded, looking at him in shock.

'Why don't the two of you just cut it out, okay?' Sakura pleaded nervously while the two boys continued to glare at each other.


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