Chapter 4: Severed Head?

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The next morning, I dragged myself out of the house, my eyes half closed. I sighed. Why did Kakashi sensei ask us to be there at five in the morning? What's worse, we weren't suppose to have breakfast. Where are we going to get the energy to do anything?

Once I arrived at the training grounds, I looked around and saw no one. I should've come later ... Maybe I'll just lay my head down for a while, just to rest for a tiny bit. I was just going to rest my eyes ...


I heard the sound of birds chirping and my eyes twitched slightly when I felt heat on my face. My eyes fluttered open and I shut them tightly when the sunlight shone into my eyes.

'Ow, what the -?' I grumbled, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. I turned to my left to see a dozed-off Naruto, sitting cross-legged. I smiled slightly, turning to my right to see Sakura, who had her eyes closed and was hugging her knees close to her chest, her chin resting on them.

I blinked. What.

I stretched, before getting up and brushing grass off my clothes.

'Hmph, I see you're awake.'

I jumped, whisking my head around and getting into a fighting stance, only to relax when I saw Sasuke, looking at me boredly.

'God, you scared the crap out of me!' I gasped, putting a hand on my chest.


I rolled my eyes at him. 'You know, it doesn't hurt to say a little more than a ''hmph''.'

'I don't see a reason to talk to someone like you,' he answered simply.

I clenched my fists and glared at him. 'Y'know, I really want to snap your neck right now.' I said, through gritted teeth.

He scoffed. 'You won't even be able to lay a finger on me,'

I stomped my foot in anger. 'Can you stop being such an arrogant prick?' I snapped, feeling my blood boil.

'You're annoying,' he said emotionlessly.

Something inside me snapped. 'WHY DON'T I HIT YOU ON THE HEAD WITH A PIPE INSTEAD -!'

From beside me, Sakura stirred before Naruto.

'Hmm? What's with all the yelling?' Naruto said, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

I took in a deep breath and faked a smile at Sasuke. 'Nothing, Naruto ...'

'Isn't Kakashi sensei here yet?' Sakura grumbled, impatiently.

'Apparently not,' I replied, not taking my eyes off Sasuke, who looked away from me.

That boy, is going to give me high blood pressure.


We waited for what seemed like half an hour when Kakashi sensei finally showed up.

'Hi fellows. Good morning,' he waved casually.

'YOU'RE LATE!' Naruto, Sakura and I yelled angrily.

'A black cat crossed my path, so ...' he began, pointing to his right.

'I doubt the cat was that big and that slow to have blocked your path,' I said, accusingly.

He cleared his throat before saying, 'Let's move on,'

He walked over to three logs of the same length and placed a clock on the middle one. 'Alright, alarm set at 12pm.'

We all looked at him cluelessly.

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