Chapter 26: Feelings

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I sat on the couch next to the basket of clothes that were waiting for me to finish folding them. Okaasan had ordered me to fold them while she was out grocery shopping. Otousan was out on a mission. Nii-san was seated on the other side of the basket, helping me out even though I told him it was fine. I would occasionally glance at the clock on the wall.

I could feel Nii-san's eyes on me as my eyes moved away from the shirt I was folding to the clock. I shifted my eyes to him, confused to see him with an amused smile.

I blinked. 'What?'

'Who are you planning to meet?' he asked, grabbing another piece of clothing from the basket before folding it. 'I can you're eager to see the person.'

I shook my head vigorously, forcing out a laugh that came out awkard. 'I'm not eager! I - I just don't want to be late.'

He raised an eyebrow at me, his smile twisting into a knowing look. 'Is it Uchiha Sasuke?'

I remained silent, avoiding his eyes.

'So, it is.' he said, looking pleased. 'Looks like you've taken a liking to him -'

'No!' I yelled, unintentionally. My face burning. 'I just - he - I -'

Nii-san laughed, stretching out his hand and rested it on my head. 'What time are you meeting him?'

'Two,' I muttered, staring at the wooden floor tiles. 'I'll leave ten minutes before two.'

'Oh, so it's a date?'

'No!' I said, embarrassed and alarmed, accidentaly knocking over the basket of clothes. 'Shit!"

The clothes lay scattered on the floor with the basket upturned. I got down on my knees and turned over the basket the right way before picking up the clothes and tossing them into the basket.

Nii-san chuckled, bending down as well. He helped me pick up the clothes and said, 'I didn't know you'd be this flustered.'

I pouted. 'I'm not flustered ... you just surprised me.'

He laughed. 'Alright, alright. It's ten minutes to two, you should get going.'

I glanced at the pile of clothes that still needed to be folded and turned to him guiltily. 'But .. I don't want you to fold all this by yourself. Okaasan told me to do it -'

He put a hand on my head again and smiled. 'It's alright. Just go.'

I felt touched. I hugged him and thanked him before leaving the house.

This time, I knew what my destination was and this time, I could get to my destination.


Sasuke was there already, arms in his pockets, back against a tree.

'Hey.' I said, jogging up to him. 'Are we starting right away?'

He nodded, smirking.

I took a couple steps back as he ran towards me, taking out six shurikens, three in each hand before he threw them at me.

I jumped away from them, throwing several senbon needles towards him. He dodged them with ease, sprinting towards me. I ducked and he ended up punching the tree behind me. He shot his fist downwards and I rolled out of the way.

Spotting a broken tree branch on the ground, I wrapped my fingers around it and stood up, holding the branch like a weapon.

Sasuke, who was in the middle of doing jutsu handsigns, stopped and gave me a strange look. 'What are you doing with that?'

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