Chapter 5: Kakashi sensei's conclusion

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I stomped repeatedly on the ground. Feeling as though my head was about to explode.



Our heads snapped towards Sakura's direction. She advanced towards Sasuke and threw her arms around his neck.

'Sasuke-kun!' she squealed. 'You're okay!'

'H-hey!' he protested, pushing her away. 'Don't get so close!'

I scoffed. 'Yeah, dear Sasuke-kun sure is okay.'

They turned to glare at me.

'What're you doing here?' Sakura asked coldly.

'Yeesh, I came because I heard you scream and I got worried.' I told her, taking a step back. 'No need to look at me with such hatred.'


Shit! I wasted time worrying and helping a couple of ingrates ... Damn it!


(I'm gonna skip until right after they tried feeding Naruto lunch, alright? I actually wrote a whole bunch but then my lap top suddenly restarted so yeah ... I really don't wanna rewrite the whole thing again because the day's almost coming to an end so yeah.


The sky suddenly turned grey and thunder roared through the dark skies.

'YOU FOUR!' Kakashi sensei suddenly appeared, looking angrier than ever.

I jumped about a foot in the air when I heard the loud thunder and without thinking, I grabbed the first thing that was within my reach - which just happened to be the back of Sasuke's shirt. Although, he seemed too shocked over Sensei's sudden dramatic appearance. However, no matter how much I was telling myself to let go, I couldn't. I seemed to be paralysed from both shock and fear.

'You four broke the rule.' Kakashi sensei scolded. 'Are you ready for the punishment?'

He then did a couple of hand-signs, making my grip on Sasuke's shirt tighten.

Lighting split the clouds as thunder clapped, and it was taking all my willpower not to curl into a ball.

'Any last words?' Sensei asked.

Sasuke growled, while Sakura was on the floor, cowering.

'B-but! B-but ... but ...' Naruto stuttered, looking scared before finally grabbing a hold of himself. 'You said - that's why those three ...'

'We're a four-man team, right?' Sasuke said, glancing at Naruto before glaring at Kakashi sensei.

Sakura then shakily stood up, a determined look on her face. 'Yeah, we four are one!'

'We can't afford to leave a member behind,' I said, regaining my posture and finally letting go of Sasuke's shirt.

'Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!' Naruto exclaimed, throwing his legs around in the air. 'That's right!'

'You four are one, eh?' Kakashi sensei said slowly walking towards us.

The four of us looked at him fiercely, as though we were ready to for a fight (which seemed pretty funny in Naruto's case since he was tied to a log).

He leaned in. 'You pass,' he said, smiling sweetly at us.

'Eh?' Sakura and Naruto's eyes widened in astonishment. Sasuke still didn't let his guard down while I raised an eyebrow.

'You pass.'

'Pass?' Sakura said, as though she couldn't believe what was happening. 'Why?'

The skies cleared as Kakashi sensei began talking. 'You four are the first. People I had previously were all blockheads who just listened to what I said. In the world of ninjas, those who break the rules are called scum. But those who don't even care of their friends are even worse than scum.'

Sakura smiled, letting out a soft laugh, Sasuke smirked while, I couldn't help but smile while Naruto looked ready to cry from happiness. Oh, no, wait - he is crying.

'He's - he's kinda cool ...' Naruto choked.

'Your training ends here.' Sensei declared. 'You all pass! The seventh group will start doing missions starting tomorrow!' he gave us all a thumbs up.

'Yes, sir!' Sakura said, happily.

'Let's go home,' Sensei said, turning his back to us as we followed behind him.

Half way through, I suddenly felt as though I had forgotten something. I putting a hand under my chin, wondering when my thoughts were interrupted.

'Back there, when Sensei suddenly appeared,' Sasuke said quietly to me, walking beside me, a smirk on his face. 'You grabbed my shirt. You were scared, weren't you? Makoto-chan?'

'Piss off, Sasuke.' I hissed, pushing him aside until I realized what - who I had forgotten. 'Shit! Naruto!'

'Huh?' Sakura wondered. Without caring to explain, I ran back to where Naruto was last seen - the training grounds.


I smiled to myself that night, as I tried to fall asleep. I'm a ninja now ... Things are going to change for the better. My thoughts then drifted to a certain raven-haired boy.

I clicked my tongue. Why'd I suddenly think of him? I hated him ... No ... I didn't. He was mean and arrogant but still ... I didn't hate him. In fact, if I didn't know better, I could be developing feelings for that boy. Was it because of his looks? No, it was something else ... I somehow felt safe near him. Was that why I grabbed his shirt back there? Oh, who knows ... I can't be sure though. I can't start liking someone all of a sudden. Besides, even if I did, it would be useless. I mean, that boy is as cold as can be ...

Ugh, this is stressing me out. I'm going to get a midnight snack.

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