Chapter 20: I Fight A Pretty Hag

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Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and I, along with the rest of those who managed to past the second exam, were all assembled in a huge auditorium,  The Hokage, along with several Jounins including Kakashi Sensei, stood in front of us.

'First off, congratulations on passing the second exam.' Anko praised. 'We will now have an explanation of the third exam from Hokage-sama.'

The Hokage stepped forward, his hands behind his back. 'Then I will now begin the explanation of the third exam, but -'

A man suddenly jumped in front the Hokage, bowing. 'Excuse me, Hokage-sama. I Gekkou Hayate, the judge, will explain.'

The Hokage nodded. 'Please do.'

Hayate stood up, his back still facing us. 'Everyone, it's nice to meet you.' he greeted, before he coughed. He turned his head to look at us and I took a step back when I got the whole view of his face. With his dull skin complexion and tired eyes with eye bags, he looked as though he had some sort of sickness. 'Everyone, before the third exam -' he coughed once again. '- there's something I want you to do -'

'Get you a cough drop maybe?' I thought, as he began coughing several times.

He turned around completely. 'Fight in some preliminary matches to see who gets to advance the third exam's main battle.'

'Preliminary matches?' said Shikamaru, aghast. 'What do you mean?'

'There are too many examinees left.' he answered, tonelessly. 'According to Chuunin regulations, we must decrease the number of participants for the third exam. If anyone wants to quit now, please let me know. The preliminary matches will begin immediately.'

'Immediately?' Kiba yelled, making me jump. Gosh, both he and Naruto need to stop with the yelling ...

'I forgot to mention,' said Hayate, before coughing once more. 'but you will have one-on-one matches from here on out. So please withdraw if you wish.'

From behind me, I heard Sasuke hiss. I turned around to see him clutching the weird mark that was between his shoulder and neck, wincing in pain.

'Sasuke-kun, you should withdraw from the preliminary matches.' Sakura told him worriedly. 'You've been acting weird ever since that Orochimaru beat you ... please ... I'm afraid ...'

She started wiping her eyes. Naruto and Sasuke stared at her in shock while I glared at her. She was crying - now? Really? At a time like this? I get that she's worried for him, but no need to be all dramatic.

'Whatever you say, I'm going to tell the teachers about that bruise.' she raised her arm halfway when someone else raised theirs.

'I'll quit.'

I stared at Kabuto in shock as he left with the excuse that his body was too weak to fight. I stared at him sadly until I felt someone poke my cheek. I turned to the person - Naruto.

'You like him, don't you?' Naruto teased, giving me a knowing look.

I slapped his hand away, scowling. 'Quiet.'

He just grinned in response before facing the front.

'May I assume there will be no more people who wish to leave?' said Hayate.

I turned my around when I heard a light slap sound, seeing Sasuke's hand around Sakura's wrists. I would never admit it, but I felt a twinge of jealousy. I knew he didn't see Sakura the same way she saw him - he'd probably never return someone's feelings ... except maybe Naruto. Maybe.

'Be quiet about this bruise.' Sasuke hissed at her before his eyes darted to me. 'You too, Makoto.'

Sakura's eyes filled with tears. She shook her head in refusal. 'Why are you acting so tough? I don't want you suffering anymore -'

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