Chapter 59: Sorted Feelings

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I gingerely set a cup of steaming hot tea on the table in front of Sasuke and another one across him.

'Thanks.' he muttered, his fingers curling around his cup.

'No problem.' I said, sitting down next to my cup.

I tucked a strand of my slightly wet hair behind my ear awkwardly. Neither of us had mentioned the incident and we hadn't made eye contact since.

We drank our tea in silence, the atmostphere was tense.


My eyes shot up to meet his, my ears slightly warm. 'What is it?'

He stared at me blankly. 'Your brothers remind me of two really important people in my life. It's strange to think, but it's true.'

The tension slowly dispated.

My eyebrow raised. 'Really? Who? Do I know them?'

'Masoto reminds me of Naruto.' he said, the ends of lips curling into a small smirk.

'Right?' I grinned. 'It's so strange how they're really alike and they get along really well.'

He nodded. 'If I didn't know better, I'd say they were twins.'

I laughed lightly before asking curiously. 'So who does Nii-san remind you of?'

His smirk disappeared and a look of sadness flashed across his face. 'My brother.'

I felt my heart ache just seeing the look on his face. It must hurt seeing me and Nii-san sometimes. I felt an urge to punch myself for asking him. I regretted it entirely.

I stood up and walked over to his side before sitting down beside him.

'I'm sorry I asked ...' I mumbled, hugging my knees close to my chest.

'Don't apologise,' he said. 'I was the one who brought it up anways.'

I secretly glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. My eyes darted away from him when I realised he had been staring at me. I felt a blush crawl up my cheeks.


He grabbed my hand and I jumped, my head whipping to the side to face him.


He smirked, using his other hand to cup my cheek. A shiver ran down my spine.

'I like you.' he said, his face getting closer to mine.

I swallowed down a gulp, wanting to move out of his grip but I couldn't get my body to move.

He pressed his lips against mine gently.

I expected him to pull away after a few seconds but I was so wrong.

His hands left the area where they were at and with one hand, he rested it on the back of my neck, pressing me further into the kiss.

Out of shock, my hands landed on his chest, wanting to push him away but I no longer had any strength left.

He put his other hand on my shoulder and pushed, breaking the contact between our lips.

'Oi! What are you -?' I began, falling back onto the floor. I tried getting up but he pinned me to the ground by the shoulders. 'Sasuke -!'

He occupied my mouth once again, kissing roughly. My stomach twisted and turned from both excitement and nervousness.

Wait. Excitement?

Realizing the actual feeling I was currently having, I tried pushing him away, only to have his body press against mine.

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