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"You've seen enough of him now, get the fuck out!", San was pushing a whining Yeosang out of the house with Jongho behind him, not moving an inch to help.

"I haven't seen him for two years and he come back and your greedy self isn't even letting me at least slap his ass. How could you do this to me Choi San? I'm older than you!"

"Age will not work on me this time, sangie. Get your Jongho addicted self out of here or I'm not buying you that thong on your birthday"

Yeosang paused and glared, shock written all over his face. He looked like he was ready to still fight but Jongho picked him up and flung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"THIS ISN'T OVER CHOI SAN!", was all he could yell, secretly loving the way Jongho manhandled him.

When everyone had left and San locked the door he was met with Wooyoung's lips.

"Quite impatient, aren't you?"

"We have unfinished business you started in the kitchen earlier"

San chuckled slightly and kissed Wooyoung again. Their bodies retreating till Wooyoung's back was hitting the living room walls. He tilted his head, hands wrapped around San's neck, to get a better angle and deepen the kiss even further.

San had a possessive arm around the younger's waist except it was dangerously low. One of his legs were between Wooyoung's, rubbing his member to create some sort of friction and his other arm resting on the wall.

San detached the lips but quickly attached it to his jaw and neck. His hand reached under his shirt, feeling the skin he couldn't touch for two years. His hands slid up the younger's sides, thumb rubbing his stomach as he bit down on Wooyoung's neck and sucked. He paused and looked at him.

"We're going to my room I'm not having you stain my walls"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, jumping on San and wrapping his legs around his waist, lips smashing against each other without hesitation. San used one hand to hold Wooyoung close, the other reaching for door knobs.

He used his feet to shut the door to his room the second he got in, heading straight to his bed and throwing Wooyoung on it while he bounced up once, San hovering over him within seconds. The latter squealed, squirming under San's touch when he moved his hands up his thigh, slightly pulling it up.

He kissed him senseless till a moan left Wooyoung's lips. That went straight to San's dick, his boner starting to hurt. He could've sworn he's had it since Wooyoung kissed him at the airport.

[ KAIZEN || WooSan fanfic ] sequel - book 2Where stories live. Discover now