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"Joong", Seonghwa whined for the nth time that day, "I've been trying to get your attention for the whole day but you haven't even looked up at me once."

Hongjoong slowly turned his head to look at Seonghwa, eyes red from lack of sleep.

"Really?", they twitched, "Seems to me like you're just seeking attention."

"I just said that."

"Hwa please. I have no idea on what to write and it's stressing me out. I'm having a music writer's block.", he groaned in exhaustion.

"You should take a break. Whenever I get frustrated with my art or lack ideas, I go on a break or spend time with you."

"But I'm running out of time."

"You may get a good idea by the time you're done spending the day away from that desk. You should sleep for now and then we can go to the part tomorrow. There's a really nice place we could just stay and cool off. I have it all planned out."

Hongjoong sighed and stood up, stretching and rubbing his eyes, "You're probably right."

"I'm always right, Joong."

Hongjoong scoffed, taking his jacket off and making his way to the bed. Seonghwa had already gotten under covers, a huge smile slapped across his face as he waited for Hongjoong to join him.

Hongjoong eventually took the space next to him and laid back, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?", Seonghwa almost whispered.

"Nothing much. Just about what's gonna happen with Wooyoung and San. It's not something we speak of much. If they don't sort this out, what's gonna happen to both of them?"

Seonghwa sighed, "I don't know..."

"San said some stuff yesterday. I went to his place and he'd gotten back into that state of depression where he starts drowning himself in alcohol. He literally threw up twice. And when I checked his phone, he'd been looking at Wooyoung's insta page. He must really miss him. But then he started getting so angry at me and said things like I wouldn't know how he feels because I'm in a solid and healthy relationship as well as Yunho and Mingi. It was heartbreaking seeing him like that. He's having such a hard time, Hwa. I just don't know."

Seonghwa hummed quietly.

"It's messed up. I don't think there's much we could do. After all it's not our relationship and there's a lot going on that we don't know of so we can't really make a judgement here, can we?"

[ KAIZEN || WooSan fanfic ] sequel - book 2Where stories live. Discover now