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"I actually didn't think you'd show up today.", Wonwoo smiled at Wooyoung when he met him at the reception. The receptionist still glared at him and watched his every move.

Wooyoung stared back at the receptionist, feeling himself shudder at her glare, "Why wouldn't I? This is sorta my only way of making an earning for now."

"I know but still. Mingyu stopped by earlier to see if you were here yet. He wanted to go out for a drink with you again. He seems to have taken a liking towards you which is odd cause you only met twice."

"That's sweet of him, but he's gonna spend the whole time telling me how weak I am. Plus I told him I'd hang out with him out of good heart. Cause that's how nice I am.", Wooyoung stuck his chest out as Wonwoo led him to his own work space. He opened the door to the room, welcoming Wooyoung to a an artistic environment. There were textiles neatly stacked in one corner, art supplies and other materials.

"I know you're someone who likes their space when working so I got you a separate room from the other artists and designers."

Wooyoung smiled brightly at him, "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you, Youngie. Your shift finishes at 5. Feel free to leave after then. I'll send you the themes you're working on."

With that, Wonwoo left shutting the door loud. Wooyoung sighed and got to work.


"San-ah.", Hongjoong drawled, grabbing San's arm and dragging the covers off him.

It had been two weeks since Wooyoung left and Hongjoong made it a habit to go over to San almost everyday and check in on him. He took it in turn with Seonghwa and often times found out he just didn't bother leaving his bed. He wouldn't eat either and it was concerning. The last time they came, Sooha was the one opening the door but the couple had chased her away and told her to stay out. It wasn't guaranteed that she wouldn't come back.

Here San was, wasting yet another day and giving up on everything.

"Staying in bed all day and doing nothing won't help."

San didn't move one bit.

"Gosh how much weights do you lift?"

"That's very funny because Wooyoung asked me the same thing a few years ago.", San muffled into the pillow.

"San-ah come on. Make use of your life."

[ KAIZEN || WooSan fanfic ] sequel - book 2Where stories live. Discover now