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"Joong?", Seonghwa called when he heard the door click open.

He ran out in excitement only to find a battered San. His eyes were blood shot red, hair sticking out on all ends, lips chapped and genuinely looking homeless.

"Oh my god what happened to you?!", Seonghwa ran up to him taking his cheeks in his hand, "Where did you go for almost two days?"

"To make up for my fucking mistakes.", San spat out in a harsh and broken tone, "I tried, hyung. I really did. I just wanted him to know how sorry I was but he's so full of himself! He thinks it's all about him, hyung. He thinks he's the only one who's been through the worst of it all. I just- there's no talking when it comes to him!"

Seonghwa looked at him with sad, empathetic eyes, "Come on, San-ah. Let sit down okay?"

Seonghwa took him to his own room and sat him down on the bed.


"Yes San-ah."

"I need a hug."

Seonghwa brought himself down next to San and hugged him. He underestimated San's strength as the younger squeezed him even harder and started crying into his shirt.

"He hates me, hyung!", San wailed, "He hates me and he's torturing me because of it. I just can't believe I sat in the rain to prove how much I cared about him and yet I left with even more hatred towards myself. I hate him. I hate myself. I hate us. I hate everything, hyung. Nothing make sense anymore, I just- I can't live like this anymore!"


"Hyung please. I really can't live like this. I'd rather just die."

"San don't say things like this please. You're gonna live past this-"

"I won't! I told myself the same thing a year ago and I just know this will haunt me. How am I meant to get over him. He's so perfect. His mistakes are perfect. His flaws are perfect. Everything he does is perfect. How the fuck and I meant to move on from someone like him?!"

Seonghwa rubbed his back, "it's okay sannie. Just calm down."

San slowly stopped wailing, little sobs escaping him and his calmed down.

"I'll stay with you tonight. If Joong gets back from that stupid studio then he can have the couch as a punishment, 'Kay?"

San nodded, sniffing hard.

[ KAIZEN || WooSan fanfic ] sequel - book 2Where stories live. Discover now