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"Young-ah", San knocked gently on the door, "Can you open the door please?"

He was hearing sniffles from the other side but not much movement.

"Am I gonna sleep on the couch today?"

More sniffles. He sighed.

"Can I give you a hug?"

He heard shuffling and soon after the door pulled back. Wooyoung stood at the entrance, looking at the floor with his hoodie covering majority of him. He looked small in them. San stuck his arms out and Wooyoung walked in them. Then they closed again. He fisted the back of San's shirt, quickly sobbing into his chest. San rubbed his head soothingly, kissing his hair and nuzzling his nose in it.

"I'm sorry they treated you that way", San whispered, "that was something I definitely didn't expect. I thought they'd... love you. But I guess they're just too traditional"

"Being gay was what caused my parents to kick me out"

San was shocked. He leaned back to look at Wooyoung. He wiped his eyes with his sweater paws.

"When I came out to them first two months of dating Heeseung, they didn't really take it well. They said I either changed my sexuality or I left. I obviously can't change the fact I'm into men so they kicked me out. It just feels like everything will repeat itself.", He buried his face in San's chest, "I'm scared I'll lose you"

"You won't. I won't leave you. Ever"

Wooyoung held him tighter like he'd disappear.

"I'm sorry that had to happen to you. Was that why you felt uncomfortable talking about them?"

"Yeah... I just don't know much about my parents anymore. I don't know what they do for a living or where they are right now. I wish I could see them again but they wouldn't accept me. And I don't know what will happen with your parents since they clearly don't want you with me. I don't want them to think you're badly influenced or any of that sort, it'll be all my fau-"

"Okay we'll stop here. We're not blaming anyone. This is no one's fault. What's important is what we both want this relationship to be not what my parents want. I'm old enough to speak for myself. And I choose to stay with you"

"Thank you...", that came out in a tiny whisper. San broke away from the hug, catching his cheeks in his hand and bend over to be at his level. He grinned widely at him and kissed his forehead. Wooyoung smiled shyly.

[ KAIZEN || WooSan fanfic ] sequel - book 2Where stories live. Discover now