Agar tum saath ho

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Attention: This chapter discusses a very challenging subject that may cause issues for some readers. Please read the chapter at your own risk if you have anxiety or panic attacks.

Aditya spoke "di... I... acci....injured... hospital" in a very weak and low voice.

"The hospital? In which hospital? Hello?", Miraya shouted on the phone, "Adi!" with a panicked tone that attracted everyone's attention. In an effort to both understand what was going on and to comfort Miraya down, Siya, Anika, and Maahi rushed to her side. "Hello!! Adi ? Are you okay?", Miraya was still shouting , There was no response at the other end. Her hands were trembling and she was struggling to grasp the phone.

She heard another voice. "This guy just had an accident", the man said. "We're taking him to the city hospital. Please let his family know."

When Miraya heard those words, her phone slid from her grasp, making Maahi even more anxious. Miraya sank to the ground shivering. She was so lightheaded that she was unable to keep her body together.

Vivaan and Ruhaan hurried to her side, trying to shake Miraya out of the trauma. To her, each voice was just a swirl of background noise. She could hear nothing. She just kept mumbling, ""

She was being repeatedly jolted out of her frozen trance by Maahi, who could understand what she was attempting to say. She cried out, "Miru... Miraya?" In an effort to get Miraya's attention, she inquired, "In which hospital is Adi admitted?"

Everyone had gathered around her to help her. Finally, Miraya said, "Adi! Adi is in the City hospital. I have to go to him." After saying this, she stood up and ran for the door.

She was about to get out the door when Ruhaan grabbed her and tightly clutched her in his arms. He was shushing her in an effort to calm her down. She was writhing in his grasp. "I must go to Adi. Nothing can happen to him. Leave me, Ruhaan."

Everyone gathered around them as they considered their options. Siya and Anika had already started calling every member of the family to ask them to come to the hospital. Maahi had a worried expression as she observed Miraya's state. "Don't worry", Ruhaan assured her. "I've got her. You guys go on. Someone must be present at the hospital. I'll drive her myself."

Maahi thanked him as they all rushed out of the studio. "Please be at her side", Siya pleaded as she abruptly halted and turned to face Ruhaan. "Every time she hears something concerning accidents or the hospital, she has anxiety attacks. She'll need a lot of support."

Ruhaan reassured her, "Don't worry. I am with her." When Ruhaan turned to face Miraya, who had given up trying and was now just crying in his arms, he said, "I won't let anything happen to her."

After Siya left, Ruhaan pulled out his handkerchief and gave it to Miraya. Her eyes were wide with fear, tears streaming down her cheeks, and her hands trembled as she clutched the handkerchief in her hands.

He gave her a calming touch by placing his hand on her trembling shoulder. He spoke softly, his voice a calm anchor in the storm of emotions that raged within her.

"Miraya," he said, his tone soothing and steady. "I know this is incredibly hard, and it's natural to feel scared and overwhelmed right now. But remember, your brother will be okay. He is in the best possible hands with the doctors and nurses. They're doing everything they can to help him."

Miraya's breath hitched as she struggled to control her rapid breathing. She turned to him, her eyes searching his for a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. "What if... What if something goes wrong? What if he doesn't......?" she couldn't even finish the sentence.

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