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Hey , before you start reading my story, I just wanted to make a couple of things clear. 

- It takes a lot of guts to write something and publish it since you are essentially giving the reader a piece of your heart. On top of that , this is my first piece of writing, so if you enjoy it, please consider supporting me. Your encouragement will only motivate me to create even better. Please leave comments telling me what you liked or didn't like. I'd love to hear your suggestions on how this story should transpire.

- If there is something in the story you don't like , I welcome constructive criticism. But please be respectful in your comments.

- This is hardly a brand-new or ground-breaking story. It's just a beautiful tale of two strangers like you and me. Their tale will undoubtedly make you smile. It is like a steaming cup of coffee on a chilly winter morning, a cup of chai on a rainy day, or simply a moment where being lost in thought is worthwhile.

- The titles of the chapters are taken from popular song lyrics as I think they fit the chapters nicely. A mood board outlining the tale's events will be included in nearly all of the chapters. I have no ownership rights of any of the pictures because I took them from Pinterest. They were merely used for showing how I imagined the narrative and a few moments would play out in real life.

- Also, a quick recommendation. I've always been an extremely romantic girl who imagines meeting the perfect man while a lovely tune plays in the background. I'm sure, you get what I'm trying to imply. While reading this book, put together a great playlist of your favorite romantic Bollywood tunes. That will no doubt intensify your emotions and transport you to an imaginary universe.

I hope you enjoy what I've written, and let's begin.

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