Yeh shaam mastani

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When his phone started vibrating louder, Ruhaan gently opened his eyes. He blinked a few times trying to clear his head. His senses gradually came into focus, and he felt a light weight on his shoulder.

Turning his head ever so slightly, Ruhaan's heart skipped a beat. There, nestled against him in peaceful slumber, was Miraya, the girl he had spent countless hours talking to, laughing with, and secretly admiring. Her dark brown hair spilled over her shoulder and onto his chest, and her face wore a serene expression as if she were lost in a pleasant dream.

A mixture of emotions flooded Ruhaan's heart. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts: Should he wake her up? How did he manage to get so lucky?

He decided to savor the moment a little longer. The clock on the wall ticked away the minutes, but in this suspended moment, time seemed to stand still.

As Miraya shifted slightly in her sleep, her head nestled even closer against his shoulder, Ruhaan's heart swelled with affection. He gently adjusted his position, ensuring that she remained comfortable. He could feel her slow, steady breaths against his skin, a reminder of the intimacy of the moment they shared.

Lost in his thoughts, he couldn't deny the connection he felt, the ease with which they fit together, even in this simple, unscripted moment.

Minutes turned into an hour, and the hospital lobby got quieter and quieter. Miraya began to stir, blinking her eyes open in gradual confusion. Her gaze met Ruhaan's, and a soft smile curved her lips. "Hey," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of sleepiness.

"Hey," Ruhaan replied, his voice gentle and warm. "Sleep well?"

Miraya nodded, a blush tinting her cheeks as she realized their close proximity. "I... I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

Ruhaan chuckled softly. "It's okay. I didn't mind at all."

As she sat up, rubbing her eyes, Ruhaan couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. This unexpected moment had brought them closer, revealing a side of their relationship that went beyond words and laughter.

And so, in a hospital lobby, late at night, two hearts began to beat a little closer, their connection growing stronger with each passing second.

She looked at her phone while yawning and noticed that Siya, Maahi, and her father had left missed calls. She called Siya's number after leaving a message for her father and Maahi. She looked at the wall clock and saw that it was 10 o'clock at night. Siya picked up the phone and started screaming as soon as she did.

"Siya, be quiet." In a quiet voice, Miraya continued, "Let me speak first. I must have missed Adi's doctor because I dozed off while I was sitting on the bench. I'll let you know, after speaking with the nurse."

After overhearing her talk, Ruhaan urged her to pay attention to him. She put her phone on hold so she was able to focus on him. "The nurse said that because Adi's doctor was scheduled to operate, he wouldn't be able to visit at night. The on-call doctor checked on Adi and he's completely fine."

"Why didn't you tell everything to me? Or wake me up when the doctor came?" Miraya questioned.

"He arrived as you began to nod off, and I didn't want to wake you up. I let you sleep because he assured me that everything was fine," Ruhaan remarked innocently.

Looking at Ruhaan's face, Miraya's lips curved into a smile. Despite her best efforts to hide it, he noticed it and grinned in response.

She called Siya again and filled her in on everything. "Thank God Ruhaan was there, Siya exclaimed. "Chachu is now heading to the hospital, all right. He'll be staying with Adi bhai so you can come back."

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