Dhoondhe akhiyaan...

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"Why do we keep waiting?", as she took a bite of roti, Dadi declared, "Let's call the boy's family to meet." Hearing the statement that Miraya had been dreading since Maahi got married, her hand froze in midair. She has to see the man, in order to decide whether to accept his marriage proposal. She choice but to confront the thought that had been ruining her life for the past few days.

She composed herself and carried on eating, trying to appear unaffected by the conversation occurring at the table. With his eyes fixed on his baby girl, Vivek responded to his mother's query, saying, "Okay Ma! I'll set up the meeting by speaking with Ajay ji."

"This is so exciting!", Anika cried, "Miraya di will be the next to tie the knot." Siya knew that her heart was elsewhere, even if Miraya wasn't aware of it. She smacked Anika on her hand and told her to stop talking.

Her wedding was the subject of every conversation for everyone. Miraya quickly got up from the table and departed, unable to bear it any longer. Siya stood up to pursue her, but Vivek intervened, following Miraya on his own. Kiran gestured for Siya to take a seat quietly while reassuring everyone that Miraya was simply nervous about their first meeting.

Miraya ran to her room, shut the door, and sat with the door supporting her back. She was breathing shallower and shallower as she thought about everything that was happening, everything that was going to happen, and everything over which she had no control over. Her face was buried in her knees as tears began to fall down her cheeks, and she was crying without even realizing it.

She snapped back to reality when Vivek knocked on the door. In an attempt to not worry him, she wiped away her tears quickly, collected herself, and put on a false smile. The door's lock clicked, and Vivek stepped inside. He knew his daughter very well. Even though she was in pain, she was trying to cover it.

He compelled her to sit on the couch while he held her by the shoulders. He sat down by her side, offered her a drink of water, and softly stroked the back of her hand to ease her discomfort. Tears were welling up in his own eyes, but he held them back.

He finally questioned her, "Are you not ready to give this marriage proposal a chance?", after a protracted period of silence. "Nobody is going to make you, bacha, if you're not! Say the word, and I'll end it all right there."

With a swallow in her throat, Miraya turned to face her dad. A part of her wanted to run away from all of this, and she knew she could say no. However, Ruhaan's statement was also true - "Sometimes feeling uncertain is acceptable." His words reverberated in her mind, and a tear fell from her eye. "Ultimately, though, you have to follow your heart and do what feels right for you."

She hastily wiped it so Vivek couldn't see it and exclaimed, "I'm ready, papa. It simply caught me off guard. I had no idea things would happen so quickly."

Vivek cast a doubtful glance at her. "Let's just invite the boy and his family for dinner," he said, understanding his daughter to still be unsure. "After you've met him, you can choose whether or not you like him. We will not push the wedding. You are free to take as much time as you need and to see him as often as you need to completely decide."

"Do you believe Dadi will permit to that?" After giving his suggestion some thought, Miraya remarked, "She and bua would want me to get married as soon as possible."

"It's nothing to worry about!", with a comforting smile, Vivek continued, "The wedding preparations will start the day you come to me and tell me that you're absolutely ready for all this." Miraya gave him a smile in return and embraced him in a hug.

Meanwhile at Ruhaan's -

"What? Is Miraya getting married?", Luv questioned, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Kisse?"

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