Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

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"I had such a lovely night! I don't think I've danced this much in a long time." Miraya turned to look at Ruhaan, who was walking behind her, exclaiming, "Vivaan and Maahi were so happy."

"Indeed! Everyone was extremely happy," he remarked, grinning. He questioned, "Vese you have all your belongings with you na?"

"Yes," she replied while putting her clutch in front of his face. Still a little lost for words, she said, "But I'm not the reckless one. I have no idea how I dropped my phone today." She shivered and wrapped her arms over her body to protect herself from the chilly gusts. "If it weren't for my stupid phone, we could've been under our blankets by now, cozy and away from this weather. Anyway, I appreciate you searching for it with me," she smiled softly at him.

She shivered as the temperature dropped and regretted not having brought a shawl to protect her from the cold winds. Ruhaan, noticing her discomfort, immediately took off his own coat and approached her with a warm smile. Draping his coat over her shoulders. "It's not a problem. I couldn't leave you alone there. And I can't bear to see you freezing like this."

Miraya blushed at the unexpected gesture, "Oh, Ruhaan, you didn't have to do that. Thank you so much!"

As they made their way across the lovely, dimly illuminated lawns towards her room, she murmured, "You know, I don't need you to walk me back to my room. Being an adult, I can go by myself."

He came to a stop in mid-step and fixed her with a blank expression. She laughed at his expression which was too adorable and far from annoyance. She exclaimed, "Alright, fine!", raising her hands in surrender. "I'm not going to say anything. Ab Chalo! It's a long walk to my room and then yours," she said, chuckling at her own exaggeration. Furthermore, she abruptly declared, "And FYI, we won at the dance battle."

"You obviously won in the dance off. You're unbeatable when it comes to filmy stuff," he remarked as he strolled with his hands in his pockets. She startled him by stopping abruptly in her tracks. She breathed deeply and added, "Thank you for that last song," looking right into his eyes. "You made my filmy dream come true. You performed on that song for me today, which is something I've always wanted to happen. Thank you."

Ruhaan shook his head, listening to all she had to say. His mouth curled into a smile as he observed the joy on her countenance. She went on, walking to his side, before he could respond, saying, "You have no idea what this means to me. It's literally a dream come true. I know that might not mean much to you, but it meant the world to me." and held his arm.

"It meant the world for me too. It was everything I could have imagined and more, to watch that look of surprise turn into delight. And please don't say thank you for making your dreams come true. I love to make you happy." He took her hand and looked into her eyes, "Watching you smile just tugs at the strings of my heart in ways I can't even explain."

Her cheeks turned a deep scarlet as she turned her head away from him and began to look everywhere but at him. He gave her a narrowed gaze but remained silent.

Out of nowhere, they felt drops of water on their heads. The sky, which had been clear just moments ago, suddenly transformed. Dark clouds gathered overhead, and the raindrops began to fall, creating a soft symphony as they pattered on the stony pathway.

Caught off guard, Miraya looked up at the sky, her eyes widening as raindrops danced in the air. The light drizzle quickly escalated into a steady rain shower, causing her to huddle beneath the meager shelter of Ruhaan's coat. She signaled him to come under the coat to shield themselves from the droplets.

They navigated the rain-soaked pathway, looking for a shelter to rest under. The whole setting seemed to transform into a magical realm, with glistening paths and reflections of colorful lights in the puddles. The air was filled with laughter, while they walked under their coat canopy, getting completely drenched. Their clothes were clinging to their bodies, and raindrops were trickling down their faces.

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