Shayad kabhi na keh saku mien tumko...

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Holding the shoes in her hand, Miraya hurried to her sisters, waving them in the air. With great joy, the girls leaped up and gave Miraya a group hug. The boys' faces went from being ecstatic to utterly disappointed in seconds. To further irritate Kush, Anika and Siya wasted no time in starting to dance in front of him.

Ruhaan walked to the boys' side, took in the view and simply stared at the whole scene. What had transpired in the room was enough to occupy his thoughts. He didn't want to think about anything else. Luv walked to his side, hands in his pockets and took a seat next to him.

He cleared his throat a few times, rather loudly to draw Ruhaan's attention towards him and make it plain that there was another person sitting with him. Finally catching Ruhaan's attention, Luv asked, "You let her keep the shoes, didn't you, bhai?"

He simply nodded his head, scratching the back of his neck nervously, as flush came over his cheeks. Luv smiled at his brother's state and patted on his shoulder.

Everyone calmed down, after the commotion and watched the exquisite pheras. The priest's hymns filled the air as family and friends were surrounding the mandap. The bride and groom's parents sat with them, their eyes welling with tears. Occasionally, when Maahi was feeling a little choked up, Vivaan would whisper something in her ear, making her laugh.

Ruhaan walked to his mother's side and sat down next to her. Miraya was sitting right beside Maahi to help her during the ceremony. He saw her face, so striking, so beautiful which was even more radiant from the light of the fire. She had a subtle smile on her face as she listened intently to the priest narrating every vow.

Maahi's eyes filled with tears of joy as Vivaan filled sindoor in her hair parting and adorned her neck with the mangalsutra. A tear escaped Miraya's eyes. Suddenly Ruhaan wanted to immediately get up and wipe that tear from her face, but he controlled himself. Nisha noticed him. She smiled to herself and felt proud for the man she had raised.

Without taking her eyes from the mandap, she exhaled and spoke to him, saying, "A girl leaves everything behind when she circles around that holy fire. Everything - her family, friends, house, and even her surname, she leaves behind for a new life she begins with her husband. She embraces your family, your friends and even your flaws as her own, not complaining once. Do you know what must a man do all this time?"

Ruhaan glanced at her and shook his head. With a soft smile on her face, she said, "No matter what happens, never let a single tear escape her eyes. You should bring her such joy that the feeling of sadness or loss or isolation fade from her heart. That is what compatibility is." Ruhaan knowingly nodded his head and pressed his hand on her hand.

She went on, observing the newlyweds ask their parents and other elders for blessings, saying, "There should never be a time when she feels like a stranger in your home. It's also your responsibility to accept her family; she shouldn't be the only one. Accept her family as your own."

Ruhaan thought to himself, "He was ready to do every single thing his mother had just said. However, his heart only wanted to do all this for her." His eyes were stuck on Miraya the entire time, and he was unaware of it until his mom stopped talking. Nisha tapped on his hands and signaled him to go to her, to which he smiled, kissed her forehead and sprinted in Miraya's direction.


After much haggling, Vivaan gave in to all of the girls' demands, and they returned his shoes back. It was time for the vidaai. The air was thick with emotion as the moment of departure approached. The sisters stood together, their arms wrapped around each other for support, tears streaming down their cheeks unchecked.

Maahi turned to them with a trembling smile, her own eyes brimming with tears. She reached out to wipe away their tears, reassuring them with a gaze filled with love and gratitude. With one last embrace, the sisters reluctantly let go, allowing her to take the next step in her journey.

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