Chapter 1 - False Alarm

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"Yo Three, come check this out!" Bitchy Becky exclaimed. A green haired inkling popped her head into the car that her sister was looting. "I found jet boots, just like dads. I don't think they work though. :("

"How do you know if they ain't just regular boots then? C'mon, we're not looking for footwear here." Three rolled her eyes.

The two had been looting a junkyard collecting scrap metal and wires for the past 3 hours. All they had found was a couple 11 year olds who built robots for fun and some broken jet boots. Which is weird because they're surrounded by metal. The two are just picky about their scrap metal I guess.

The two being sent out to gather scrap metal was merely a diversion, as the Penguins of Madagascar were busy buying illegal fireworks for later that night. Today was a special day, Bitchy Becky and Three's adoptaversary

"Oh hey what a coincidence. A pile of broken PC's. Try not to get glass in your bloodstream and get some wires, Becks." Three had pointed out. She just wanted to get this over with since the hot summer sun as a result of global warming was irritating to walk around in. Especially considering Three wears all black.

Bitchy Becky began taking some wires from the pile of broken PC's and putting them in a box. Three was busy staring edgily into the distance, a trait she got from her father. Her ripped up raggedy cape blew in the wind.

"Ah dude, do you ever think about chewing on wires? I know I do." Bitchy Becky commented while getting broken glass lodged in her knee casually. "Shit."

"No not really, I'm not suicidally stupid." Three replied, breaking her brooding for a moment. She spoke in a non-serious, joking manner.

"Hey, that's not nice, I'm very smart. I made you that ink gun, remember?" Bitchy Becky rebutted. It's true, Bitchy Becky had many technological skills, but unfortunately the amount of common sense she had was lacking.

"Let's head back, I think we got enough wires for today."

"But what about the metal-" Bitchy Becky paused, hearing something moving around in the junkyard. "What was that??"

"Probably just that Anne kid from the Amazon Prime series known as Annedroids." Three sounded like she didn't care because of her voice, but she simultaneously began reaching for her splattershot.

The sisters stood in silence and looked around. Out of the corner of Bitchy Becky's eye she spotted something... a man in a green hoodie. Her uber instincts kicked in, believing this was finally her chance to avenge her dead parents. Three soon noticed as well and the two began rapidly approaching the man.

Three's green tentacle hair began blowing aggressively in the wind as she pelted the man with ink bullets.

Bitchy Becky soon realized, however, this was not the assailant that killed her parents, it was hit controversial Twitch streamer and YouTuber Kwite, known also as Kwyte, Kwote, and Kwate on different channels.

"Dude wtf Splatoon irl???" He said in his usual YouTuber voice.

"Oops sorry wrong person we're after a different green hoodie. Sorry eldritch horror floating green hoodie man with sunglasses." Bitchy Becky hurriedly spoke, before grabbing Three. They had to run before they were charged with assault.

After running away with their box of wires, they left the junkyard and entered: New York City. The two began heading in the direction of a zoo, where they would find their penguin found family.
After finally slowing their pace, Three decided to break the silence.

"Let's face it, Becks, we might never find this guy." Three began, quoting MCSM season 1 episode 3. "It's been over a decade since he did it. We don't even know who this guy is! He could be anyone."

"Be more optimistic, Three! One day we'll avenge our family, and earn some respect from this world. Plus, there can't be that many guys that wear green hoodies. Green isn't a creative color." Bitchy Becky lightened the mood a little.

"That's the issue, Becks. It's been 11 years, my guy probably doesn't wear a green hoodie anymore." Three replied, mildly annoyed that her sister doesn't really think that much.

"Damn you got a point for realsies... hey we're here!!" Bitchy Becky's short attention span will now prevent her from continuing this conversation despite Three's valid points. The two sisters were now at Random Zoo in New York City.

To be continued.

Bitchy Becky 1: Ninety-Nine ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now