Chapter 10 - The Calm After The Storm

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 Bitchy Becky had awoken, coughing up sea water, floating on a door adrift the open sea. The stolen suit she was wearing was soaked now. As per usual she missed all of the really cool action and was knocked out almost immediately.

"OH THANK GOODNESS, I was worried you drowned to death." Thriku hugged Bitchy Becky contently, although the pink-blue hair and pronouns bitch still had total amnesia to what the fuck was currently happening.

"Nnuuugh what the fuck happened last night... Why it smell like the fish market out here??" Bitchy Becky proceeded to continue to cough up sea water.

"Becks, it's still night." She heard Lukas say somewhere to the right of her. Sure enough, the sky above hee was dark yet illuminated by stars. More stars than she had ever seen in New York City. Light pollution and all. Sounds lovely until the realization hit her that she was out somewhere stranded in the Atlantic Ocean.

Bitchy Becky stared at the sky for an exact minute trying to remember where she was and then let out a calm "Oh shit." With a seeming lack of concern.


"Bro that shit was crazy though." Bitchy Becky heard Yuki-San say, "Dream, like, threw you in the water first because he wanted you dead the most. Then we were all fighting and Three straight up ripped the doors out of their frames to use as lifeboats and we all just jumped off and pretended we died."

And sure enough, when Bitchy Becly finally sat upright after having been laid down this entire time, she saw everyone was sitting on a door in bumfuck middle of nowhere in the ocean. Fruity Pinnochio looked like when wood gets wet and becomes discolored, Red Sussy Imposter was comically filtering water, sea plants, and fish out of his suit, Yuki was keeping herself warm with her blue fire, and Lukas and Three were just chilling.

"Why do I always have to miss the action... :(" Bitchy Becky whined. Wow Becky idk maybe it's because I didn't wanna write it, these guys are so inconsiderate of me, the author.

"I just wanna know why Dream wants to kill you so badly." Lukas from Minecraft Story Mode pondered out of curiosity.

"Dude was being so cryptic about it, like what have we ever done to him?" Thriku complained, crossing her arms. "Only interaction we've ever had with that guy was when he killed OUR family."

"That's... certainly odd." Lukas notes.

"I'm just wondering how the three of them got so powerful... I've only ever seen demons in Hell with power like that, me being from Hell and all." Yuki-San added.

"Strange..." Thriku pondered. She began conversing with Yuki-San about ideas on what they should do now, and how to proceed when they're currently in a mess like this. Despite Thriku being younger than Bitchy Becky by 2 years, she always acted like the older one. Always planning, always plotting, always prepared. She was the smarter and more rational of the two, which made Bitchy Becky feel useless sometimes. Especially now, she just felt like a ditzy plot device that contributed nothing to the hard fights everyone else had just gone through. But she at least wanted to thank the others for their fight thus far. She turned over to Lukas, who was sitting beside a passed out Fruity Pinnochio.

"Thanks for saving my neck by the way, Lukas, :)" She began, doing the right finger left finger, "that was very brave of you."

"Oh, it was nothing, I said I owed you one didn't I?" Lukas blushed.

"Still. Well now I owe you one back." Bitchy Becky did the bisexual finger guns.

"OH MY GOD JUST FUCKING KISS ALRE-" Fruity Pinnochio began before Lukas quickly knocked his head into the water, don't worry wood floats on water he's fine.

"NOBODY IS KISSING MY SISTER." Thriku butted in protectively.

"I wasn't going too!!!!! I'm sorry I don't know what he's on about." Lukas holds his hands up nervously so that Thriku doesn't commit an ocean felony on him.

"Okay but regardless. I'm sorry you had to get dragged into this mess. This was just going to be me and Thriku's thing." Bitchy Becky looked down apologetically.

"You'd be surprised how many adventures I go on that are like this, don't get me started on the portal hopping... but look I don't think any of us were prepared for this to happen, it's not your fault. I was the one who offered to come along, maybe I should've listened to Three, haha." Lukas attempts to reassure Bitchy Becky.

"If we manage to live through this, you can head back home immediately and I wouldn't blame you at all honestly." Bitchy Becky smiled shyly.

"I mean... I might. I know Pinnochio doesn't wanna be here but... this is the first time in a while I've had an adventure this fun. Me and the Order of the Stone don't get out much anymore since our last adventure, we've all got our own lives now." Lukas admits. "It'd be kinda fun to see where this goes.... And it'd be good to write about." YES I REMEMBERED LUKAS'S LOVE OF JOURNALING AND WRITING.

"Oh, okay, I mean I'd you actually want to, you shouldn't feel obligated." Bitchy Becky finally looked him in the eyes again.

"I don't feel obligated to, it's just fun, haha." Lukas laughs.

Bitchy Becky smiled at Lukas. They have a cute romantic scene for a moment. The two of them stared at the stars above the open sea, admiring the beauty of the sky that they couldn't see in the urban cityscape of upstate New York. Eventually they gaze back at each other and smile. Two dumb young broke adults with a love for adventure and shenanigans, brought together by sheer coincidence.

The moment is quickly ruined though because Red Sussy Imposter interrupts them with actually important information.

"Okay, hate to spoil the party, but has anyone else noticed we're currently in the middle of the fucking Atlantic Ocean on a couple of doors?" Red Sussy Imposter began, quoting Batman in the Lego Movie 1, "I mean it's not like a big gigantic ship is just gonna come out of nowhere and save us- MY GOD."

And just like in the original Lego Movie he jinxes it, as Red Sussy Imposter actually sees a big gigantic ship approaching from a distance.

"HOLY SHIT, are we actually gonna not die in the middle of the ocean???" Bitchy Becky squeals.

"Oh man, maybe we can actually enact that one plan, 'Kill The Emo Evil Trio version 262427' after all, Yuki." Thriku mentions, excitably. It's the most enthusiastic she's sounded in this entire book.

As the ship gets closer, one aspect quickly becomes apparent. The ship was a dark colored yacht, dark colored even in the darkness of the night. Much of it was adorned with gold accents that shone in the moonlight. Most notably of all, however, it had the unmistakable flag of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang. This was their party ship, and they happened to be cruising by the Stupid Six™. Their only hope of survival.

To Be Continued..

Bitchy Becky 1: Ninety-Nine ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now