Chapter 8 - Mission Failed

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"Okay so everyone gets the plan, right?" Three says proudly.

"Uh, I don't think we discussed the plan, Three." Lukas from Minecraft Story Mode brought up

"Ugh I hate you so much, okay so since blonde guy here doesn't listen let's go over this again." Three facepalms and then puts her hands on her hips.

"I genuinely don't think we discussed it, sis." Bitchy Becky mentioned.

"Okay, so when we head for the entrance they'll obviously ask to see our staff ID's. We show em, say we working in the kitchen. Since that's what these staff cards were for apparently. Then we wanna try to find any kind of weapons we can use on deck, and try to get green hoodie gamer boy alone and corner his ass." Three explains very well, gesturing wildly with her hands. "We wanna do this before the ship leaves so we don't get stranded out to sea. In the scenario that happens, we lifeboat outta here."

"Can't we just swim?" Fruity Pinnochio mounded annoyingly.

"I DISOLVE in water dumb fuck." Three gave him the bombastic side eye.

"Aren't you a squid." Lukas asked.

"INKLING get it right." Three rolls her eyes.

"Inklings evolved to live outside of the water, they swim in ink and not water." Bitchy Becky explained in a Word Girl style.

Anyways PLAN ENACTING. The 5 dumbass goobers head to the entrance and they get themselves in. The check in lady for the boat seemed somewhat suspicious of the individuals, though. Just considering their ID's were from dead people and all that shit.

As they head aboard they begin talking amongst themselves, trying to find a storage closet.

"This is like, the most expensive thing I'll probably ever see in my life." Bitchy Becky said in awe with sparkly anime eyes. She rests on the railing overlooking the ocean briefly.

"I know right? I could never afford something like this, my friends would love to be here." Lukas from Minecraft Story Mode agreed, "Working at a convenience store doesn't really rack up money, you feel?"

"At least you have a job and money." Bitchy Becky sighed. "We kinda lost everything when our parents died."

"Cowabummer." Lukas from Minecraft Story Mode replied. He genuinely feels bad but isn't doing a good job at sounding serious. Bitchy Becky took it well though and laughed.

"Sorry I just didn't have a good response to that.." Lukas looked away shyly.

"It's okay I found it funny, plus this is no time to be a sad Sally. I'm about to cross off the #1 thing on my bucket list!!" Bitchy Becky expressed. Lukas appreciated her enthusiasm, especially in stark contrast to Thriku's constant nagging and emo attitude.

"It's funny how you're called Bitchy Becky, considering you aren't very bitchy, heh. You're actually very nice." Lukas complimented. Bitchy Becky blushed intensely.

"I think it's supposed to be ironic or something like that haha." Bitchy Becky giggled.

"Okay flirty wirty let's get going, we found a storage closet with sharp things in it." Fruity Pinnochio came over to say, and began tugging on Lukas.

"Hey hey alright we're coming- wait what did you call me." Lukas smacked Fruity Pinnochios hand off of him in a friendly bro manner. Bitchy Becky turned beet red hearing that, but continued to chat with Lukas until they got to the closet, though. In a friendly friend manner. Nothing sus here. Except Red Sussy Imposter.

The 5 idiots entered the closet and shut the door, Thriku locked it shut. The lights were off and she was reaching around for a light switch.

"Ooooo I think I found a sledgehammer :D" Bitchy Becky exclaimed.

Bitchy Becky 1: Ninety-Nine ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now