Chapter 13 - I Nearly Lost You There

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DreamNotFound's ship has now admitted defeat to the Shadow Wizard Money Gang. So there was nothing getting in the way of saving Lukas. It was less of Bitchy Becky doing it because she had a crush on him, really just out of the general goodness of her heart. She was like, an actually morally good person like that.

Lukas from Minecraft Story Mode could technically swim but the currents and waves out in the big blue sea are very intense and it's like trying to swim in an Action Park wave pool. Which I mean he's probably gone to before considering it's in New Jersey.

Bitchy Becky was struggling too but under the waves she had managed to grab him. Now the real struggle was attempting to drag him back up to the Shadow Wizard Money Yacht safely.

You, you know what. Breaking the narrator character for a minute. Do you have any idea how fucking weird it feels to write sentences like these? Writing about the Shadow Wizard Money Yacht and a Mary Sue trying to kill DreamNotFound and Lukas from Minecraft Story Mode fighting an E-boy? I write this shit on my school computer too. Other people can see this, do you realize how insane I look to the people around me??

Rant over back to the story.

Bitchy Becky struggled against the current but she suddenly heard Yuki-San saying "GO WHITE GIRL GO" and felt motivated to keep going. Eventually she felt her hand bump up against the lifeboat and she hauled herself and Lukas onto it.

"Well technically we're both Asian because our mom is Hatsune Miku." Thriku mentions. "Just white passing is all. Big difference."

Thriku hauled the lifeboat back up to the main deck and Bitchy Becky, tired as hell, falls face down on the floor.

"Do we need to give him CPR?" Fruity Pinocchio asks.

"I'm not putting my mouth anywhere near his." Thriku says with disgust.

"Don't worry guys," Lukas says and then proceeds to aggressively cough for 30 seconds, "I'm still conscious."

"Barely." Thriku rolls her eyes but smiles, being snarky in more of a joking and friendly manner than she usually does. She realized Bitchy Becky had a point about her being a dickwad and decided to change her attitude just a tiny bit.

Bitchy Becky finally lifted her head up. She had the wind knocked out of her twice today but she was still kicking. She smiled in a goofy way to show that she was still intact.

"Who says I ain't a good swimmer I killed that." Bitchy Becky spoke proudly before immediately taking a huge breath in.

"Well either way that was dangerous and I never want you to do that again." Thriku begins helping Bitchy Becky and holds her face in her hands, checking for any sign of injury like a worried mother. Reminded Becky of their mother, Miku.

"Anyways are we... almost there?" Bitchy Becky manages to cough out.

"Just about it, I think. I can see the docks." Thriku looked into the distance.

"Cool, now we just need to figure out where Dream is headed from there." Bitchy Becky replied and began thinking.

"Paris is a good place to look since it's a major landmark and a good stopping point for more 'luxurious' travelers like him." Chimed in the pink shadow wizard from two chapters ago. "Dream used to always ramble on about that place, could never tell you why though."

"That's pretty far inland, though. Do we have to walk?" Bitchy Becky exhaustedly asked.

"No no, we have the Shadow Wizard Mercedes Benz." The wizard explained

Bitchy Becky 1: Ninety-Nine ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now