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    A wise man once said not to be afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them…
    The sun was shining down from a blue sky in the pleasant town of Stewartville, Minnesota. Birds of different colors and kinds flew through the air, chirping and building nets in high tree branches. Spring was in the air. Kids were playing with each other in the streets, laughing and having fun while everyone else had other ideas of enjoying the outdoors. At the Christian Guard property, the front and back yards were like something out of a fairytale garden with different colored flowers of different kinds growing from the flower beds. The lawn was freshly mowed and the walkway was swept clean. The house itself was also cleaned and decorated with thriving flower vines growing on the sides and flower pots filled with different kinds of leafy plants. It was a beautiful sight. 

    On the inside, it was just as clean. All the windows were opened, letting in the fresh air. The Christian Guard, who had just gotten done with spring cleaning, were all sitting in the living room chatting happily and watching as Applejack and Rainbow Dash were in a heated Mario Kart match with each other. Eventually, AJ was able to pass Rainbow and win. "Yee-haw!" she cheered. 

    "And Aunt AJ is the winner!" announced Grace, who was by now 10 years old, holding her hand like it was a microphone. 

    "Oh come on! No fair!" Rainbow growled. "I demand a rematch!"

    "I'm sure you'll get it down someday," AJ chuckled. 

    "Says the cowgirl who almost never loses," Twilight Sparkle giggled. She loved her friend like a sister, but AJ's ego (which she would rarely show due to her honesty and hard working attitude) was something else entirely. 

    "Tell that to the track," Rainbow grumbled. "Rainbow Road is quite possibly the most difficult track to ever master."

    "Well, that depends on what kind of Rainbow Road track you're racing on," said Junior, who was by now 17 years old. "Trust me, I've done this track before, so I know what I'm talking about."

    Rainbow just rolled her eyes and continued grumbling as she chose another track to challenge AJ. Creecha giggled, enjoying the chatter and the smell of spring until her gaze landed on Matthew, who was looking a little glum about something. "Matt, what's wrong?" she asked. 

    "I just miss Sonic and his friends, that's all," he admitted.

    Creecha smiled kindly. "It's okay, bro," she said. "We all do."

    Matt smiled, happy that his sister understood. Shari showed she also agreed by putting a hand on Matt's shoulder and giving him a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry," she said. "I'm sure we'll see him and his friends again someday. I know it."

    In the meantime, AJ and Rainbow were competing again, concentration on their faces. Wallflower Blush was in the dining room watering the plants when she heard the commotion. Rainbow's voice was sounding a little frantic. "Nononononononono…!!!"

    Sure enough, AJ was the winner once again. "DARN IT!" Rainbow yelled. 

    Wallflower couldn't help but laugh at overhearing the incident as she got finished and returned to the living room. "You know? I think your racing skills are getting a little rusty there," she said. 

    Rainbow just face-palmed with a groan, not even verbally responding to Wallflower's comment. And I thought I had a big ego, she thought. 

    AJ just smirked in satisfaction in her direction, earning a glare. Just then, footsteps could be heard as Sunset Shimmer came running down the stairs, panting. "Guys! Guys!" she exclaimed. "Something's happening!"

    That got their attention. "What is it, Sunset?" Creecha asked. "What's going on?"

    "I don't know," Sunset replied, finally catching her breath, "but all I know is that while I was meditating, I sensed that Sonic was in big trouble while fighting a villain far more dangerous than even Eggman could be. Something's gonna happen to his world, and whatever it is, it's not good. We have to go there now and figure out what's going on and stop it before it's too late!"

    Grace was the first to stand. "Way ahead of you!" she called as she hurried upstairs.

    Creecha raced after her. "Well Matt, looks like you'll get your wish to come true much sooner than expected," she said as she hurried to get ready. 

    "When are we leaving?" Topsy asked. 

    "As soon as everyone's ready," Creecha answered. "So everyone, get yourselves prepared and meet me back downstairs pronto."
    In about several minutes, everyone was ready to go, their respective cross necklaces and geodes around their necks. It was decided that part of the guard would go: mostly consisting of Creecha, Matt, Shari, Bob, Larry, Junior, Buzz-saw Louie, Spike, Topsy Cat, Thomas Cat (Tom Cat), Jerry Mouse, Butch Cat, Lightning Cat, Shanti Hyena, Dorothy Gale, Robyn Starling, Grace, Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, AJ, Sunset, Trixie Lulamoon, Starlight Glimmer, and Wallflower. The rest would stay behind in Stewartville in case something ever happened while they were gone. Currently, Creecha was giving them final instructions on what to do while Trixie was using her magic to create a portal to Sonic's world. 

    Twilight and Fluttershy were excited to go back to Sonic's world- mostly to see Tails again. And for different reasons: they both liked Tails, but while Fluttershy liked him because he was a cute fox (no surprise there since she's an animal lover), Twilight liked him because of his smartness at a young age, something she found impressive. "It's going to be so nice to see Tails again," said Fluttershy. 

    "Not gonna argue with you on that one," Twilight replied. "It'll definitely be nice to see him again after all this time."

    "And I'm sure that everyone else might be glad to see us too," Dorothy added. "I just hope they'll recognize us."

    "Pfft. Of course they will," said Spike. "Why wouldn't they?"

    "When we get there," Junior was saying, "I bet they're not even gonna know who I am."

    "Really?" Grace asked, doubtful. "Why's that?"

    "Because Junior the boy has turned into Junior the man," the teen bragged while doing ridiculous mussel poses. 

    "A man who definitely needs a tickle," Larry teased before suddenly getting at his sides. 

    Junior immediately burst into giggles at the contact and fell to the floor, giving Bob the chance to hold him down by the shoulders, all the while laughing along with his brothers. Buzz-saw looked at the commotion from nearby and couldn't help but chuckle. "Uh huh. You're completely unrecognizable," he teased. 

    Just as the whole tickle fest got done with, Trixie was pumping her fist into the air, victorious. "Finally got a portal to Sonic's world ready," she said. "Who's ready to go?"

    "We are!" everyone said in usion.

    "In that case," Creecha said, "let's go everyone! Sonic's world, here we come!"

    With that, as everyone waved goodbye and wished them good luck and while their necklaces and geodes glowed, the Guard jumped into the portal without a moment's hesitation. 
    This is the story of a great alien-person. It's hard to say whether our hero was born that way, or was just placed in the right place at the right time and decided to do the right thing. I suppose you can be the judge of that. Oh, and one more thing, our hero isn't just a certain blue hedgehog. Just a young alien girl…

Tailsmo: A Sad Love Story (A Sonic X-Equestrian Christian Guard Crossover) Where stories live. Discover now