Chapter 19: Cafe Chaotix/ Hedgehog Hunt

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    A giant Metarex space station was floating in deep space. Metarex craft of all kinds were either flying around the station or were docked, including the Metarex Generals' battleships, MTRX-1s, and Metarex Fighters. Everyone turned to attention as they saw Dark Oak standing behind a lectern on a stage nearby. This meeting was important; first, Eggman was named the new Metarex General. Second, Dark Oak had found where Sonic and his team were hiding. "We have Sonic on the run. He is hiding somewhere in this area," he said, gesturing to a radar screen nearby. 

    "They picked an excellent refuge," said Black Narcissus. "There are intense electromagnetic waves in that region of space."

    "The scanners will be useless," said Pale Bayleaf. "He and his crewmates have the opportunity to recover from their battle."

    Yellow Zelkova didn't say anything at first. He was too busy eating some spicy curry. "We will find him," said Dark Oak, "and when we do, they will be completely destroyed! With your help, Dr. Eggman."

    Said doctor was confused. "Once Sonic had been eliminated," Dark Oak continued, "the victory of the Metarex will be assured. Any resistance against us will be futile." With that, he walked off the stage. 

    "We'll stomp on those rebels like they're a bunch of ants!" yelled Yellow Zelkova. "And then we'll fulfill the destiny of the galaxy!"

    The Metarex Troopers near him snapped to attention. Bayleaf chuckled. Narcissus was walking away when he saw Eggman standing there, looking perplexed. "What's the matter, Doctor?" he asked. "Don't you like the plan?"

    Eggman didn't answer at first. His mind went back to the first time he met Narcissus, when he dared to hurt a couple kids just to get what he wanted. "Speak up!" the Metarex General insisted. "You do have an objection, do you?"

    "All right, if you insist on knowing," said Eggman. "One thing still bothers me about you, Metarex. I can't figure out what you're trying to accomplish with all this destruction. I can understand trying to conquer planets, but if you keep up this rampage across the galaxy, there won't be anybody left to rule over. It doesn't make sense!"

    He had a point. "For someone of your reputation, Doctor, you have a surprising lack of vision," said Black Narcissus.

    "I'm beginning to suspect that you Metarex have completely lost your minds!" Eggman replied. 

    "Perhaps, Doctor," said Black Narcissus. "But the question is: What are you going to do about it? The time has come for you to choose sides. Will you join our quest to transform the galaxy? Or will you fight against us with Sonic?"

    With that, he left, leaving Eggman standing alone again. "My, aren't we impatient?" he quipped. 
    In another part of space, the Chaotix's detective office was somehow converted into a canteen. Aliens of all kinds were seated at various tables with drinks. Charmy was flying around serving whatever any alien ordered, Espio was washing the glasses, and Vector was playing the piano. He looked up at the reader. "I bet you didn't know I'm such a musical maestro, didn't ya?" he said. "You shouldn't be surprised. I'm more than just a pretty face. As a croc, I'm naturally swamped with talent! But you're probably wonderin' why I'm playin' the piano instead of doin' detective work. It all started after the boys and me said adios to the crew of the Blue Typhoon…"
    The spaceship flew through space. "Okay, Vector," said Espio, who was reading the directions, "make a right just before the next star system."

    "Space travel sure can be boring," said Vector as they drove past a space traffic light. "Somebody oughta build a rest stop in this part of the galaxy so you can get out and stretch your legs."

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