Chapter 27: Love and Recovery

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    As Sonic arrived at Tails' place later that evening, the sun had long since gone down. Nighttime had come to Mobius. Everyone else had gone home at that point. Tails was still sleeping in Sonic's arms, still and limp in his grasp. Vowing to help him, Sonic entered the house and carried Tails up to his room. Upon entering, he placed Tails in bed and tucked him in. After kissing him goodnight, he left, planning to come back tomorrow. 
    The next day, Tails woke up to a burning headache and an aching stomach; what he didn't tell Sonic was that he'd stay up late at nights trying to think up of ways to bring back Cosmo. During that time, he'd have cups of coffee (and may or may not have been driven to alcoholism due to stupid bullies telling him a bunch of false stuff, leading to him having depression and a hangover). Hearing footsteps approach his room, Tails groaned, placing a hand on his head. Feeling the heat radiating from himself, he was just about to get out of bed when his bedroom door opened. Sonic poked his head in with a grin. "Hey, Tails," he said, waving as he came in and shut the door. "How're you feeling?"

    "Awful," Tails groaned. "My head hurts, my stomach hurts, and I'm just so tired. I haven't gotten any rest in days now."

    That got Sonic concerned. "How many days, exactly?" he asked. 

    "I don't know," Tails shrugged. "I lost count."

    A sudden loud rumble from his stomach startled the both of them. "And I haven't really eaten much," Tails added, blushing with shame. 

    Sonic just patted his head. "It's okay, Tails," he said. "I'm not mad at you. Honest. Let's go get that stomach of yours filled up."

    He started to head to the door when a sudden *THUMP!* made him jump. Quickly turning around, he saw that Tails had fallen to the floor due to his weakened state. Right now, he was struggling to get up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there, Tails!" Sonic exclaimed, racing towards him. 

    Tails shrunk down, his ears pinned down to his head. "I… I'm sorry, Sonic," he sniffled out. "I…"

    Sonic just shushed him as he knelt down and scooped him up into his arms. Near his fur, his nose picked up the scent of caffeine and alcohol, almost making him tear up. "Tails…" he said. 

    Tails teared up himself. "I… I'm sorry…" he said, beginning to cry. "I… I know I shouldn't do it, but–"

    Sonic gently interrupted him by cradling him close and shushing him, kissing his forehead. "Like I said before: I'm not mad at you," he said. "Those bullies must've snuck that alcohol into your coffee; I'm more mad at them."

    Tails just whimpered as he pressed his face into Sonic's neck, shaking slightly. Feeling the tremors from his little brother, Sonic stroked the fox's head as he stood up and carried him to the living room. Poor little bro, he thought to himself. No one deserves to go through what he's been through at that age. 

    Arriving there, he laid Tails down on the couch and called Amy through his communicator, letting her in on the situation. "I'll get there as soon as I can," she said. "In the meantime, take care of him and keep him company."

    "Will do, Ames," said Sonic as he finished the call. 

    After hanging up, he checked up on Tails, who was curled up on the couch. Seeing that he was doing okay, Sonic headed off into the kitchen. Tails didn't know how long he stayed curled up on the couch like that, but however long it was, his nose picked up the scent of something coming from the kitchen. Sniffing, he opened his eyes to see Sonic kneeling down next to him with a soup bowl. "Figured this would help you get better," he said gently. 

Tailsmo: A Sad Love Story (A Sonic X-Equestrian Christian Guard Crossover) Where stories live. Discover now