Chapter 20: The True Form of the Metarex/ Zelkova Strikes Back

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      Ever since the events on Cascade that resulted in Molly's death, Rouge and Shadow had been traveling the galaxy, fighting the Metarex independently. The Metarex were no match for the powerful duo. Currently, they were in a bar taking a rest stop. "There's nothing here, my friend," said a bartender who was talking to Shadow. "Wars always occur in these areas most of the time. This was a pretty comfortable place to live. But the problem is… the Metarex are just too ruthless to fend off."

    "I've seen many planets they swept through and destroyed," said Shadow. 

    "If you're really gonna keep traveling, my friend," said the bartender, "then I wish you good luck. I still don't recommend it. It's a world of chaos and death."
    Outside, Rouge and Shadow talked it over. "So what do we do?" asked Rouge. 

    "You don't have to come along if you don't want to," said Shadow. 

    "Why in the world would you even say that?" asked Rouge. "Who's the one who helped you get this far anyway?"

    "I need to find a way to get there on my own," said Shadow. "Thanks for your help, Rouge. It was a pleasure." With that, he left. 

    "Shadow…" said Rouge as she watched the black hedgehog walk away. 

    Then, she made her own decision. "Don't go off without me now," she said as she went to get inside her spaceship. 
    Meanwhile, out in a different part of space, the Typhoon was being pursued by several Metarex fighters. The EGs were flying alongside it in their own spaceships. "There are 3 Metarex fighters behind us," said Chris. "Actually 5."

    "Again?! Really?" said Amy, surprised and annoyed. "We just got rid of them not too long ago."

    "Engine's at full throttle," said Tails. "Full speed ahead when Sonic's gone, Knuckles."

    "Just leave it to me," said Knuckles, who was in the engine room at the time. 

    "They're going to attack again!" cried Cream. "They're aiming straight for us!"

    "We have to work fast!" said Tails, typing. "Chris, you and Sonic disperse the missiles, then launch a counterattack."

    "Roger," said Chris. "Cosmo, take over for me."

    "Sure," said Cosmo, doing so as Chris ran off. 
    Chris soon arrived at the hangar, panting. "So what's goin' down, pal?" asked Sonic. 

    Soon, Chris' spaceship was moving up the elevator to the runway. As always, Sonic was standing on the wing. "Okay, Sonic, here's the plan," said Chris. "Looks like the Metarex are about to launch another attack. We've gotta fend them off as fast as we can and give them a dose of their own medicine."

    "Sounds good!" said Sonic. "We'll wipe out those Meta-punks in no time flat!"

    The two smiled at each other. 
    The Metarex Fighters fired missiles at the Blue Typhoon, but the ship ejected tiny particles that were shaped like stars, moons, and planets. They burst into clouds of smoke when the missiles collided into them, allowing the ship to get away.
    Inside the ship, Amy was nervous. "I've got a bad feeling, Cosmo," she said. 

    "Me too," Cosmo agreed. "These Metarex attacks seem to get more and more violent every time."

    "But it's more than that," said Amy, tapping on the console. "I just can't seem to figure it out."

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