Chapter 12: Clash! Sonic vs. Shadow/ A Metarex Melee

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    After some difficulties, Sonic and the others had finally found the final Chaos Emerald. But they also found two problems: not only was there a crystallized Planet Egg, but now they were confronted by none other than Dark Oak himself, along with an army of Metarex Troopers. So to say that they were in a bit of a pickle right now was saying something. "Think you can beat me?" said Sonic. 

    "Make no mistake, my friend," said Dark Oak. "I do not think I can beat you. I know I will. Metarex, prepare for battle!"

    At this, a rank of Metarex Troopers stepped in front of Oak. "As you can see," said the Metarex leader, "you are dangerously outnumbered, Sonic. And I warn you, for every one of us that falls in battle, there will be hundreds more that will take their place!"

    I don't know why, but it's getting me thinking of that Hydra creature, thought Twilight as she stood ready, glaring at the villain. 

    Cosmo was scared and desperate. "Please don't hurt Sonic, I beg you!" she pleaded as Sonic placed a protective arm in front of her. "We'll do anything you want, Metarex, sir. We'll–"

    She was silenced, however, by Sunset placing a hand over her mouth. "Cosmo, whatever you're about to say next," she said sternly, "please don't."

    Cosmo was about to object, but Wallflower lifted a finger to silence her again. "Sunset's right," she said. "This is what Dark Oak wants from us. He wants us to give him what he wants. You have to stand up for yourself and for others. Don't let your courage melt away because of the enemy."

    Twilight glared at Dark Oak. "Whatever you got," she said, drawing out her lightsabers and activating them, "we're ready for it."

    Sunset and Wallflower did the same with their own lightsabers. Bob, Larry, and Junior just got ready for the fight to come themselves, their necklaces glowing. "Get him!" said Dark Oak. 

    At that, dozens of Metarex Troopers leapt into the air and dog-piled Sonic without warning. "Sonic!" exclaimed Amy and Cosmo.

    Suddenly, Sonic frenziedly threw the Troopers off him into the wall. Dark Oak watched, impressed, as Sonic turned to him. "So, you wanna play games, huh?" he said.

    Saying this, he executed a spin and launched himself at Dark Oak, who laughed and didn't move. Suddenly, he vanished just as Sonic reached him, causing the hedgehog to bounce off the wall. "He vanished!" said Amy, surprised. 

    "It's a hologram," Sonic replied as he landed on the ground. 

    The Metarex Troopers were anything but in working progress. A few of them, however, had survived the attack. "Be careful, Sonic," said Cosmo. 

    Dark Offal could be heard laughing as the team found themselves surrounded on all sides by Metarex Troopers– who were now beginning their approach. "This fortress will be your graveyard," he said. 

    "Everyone, get ready!" said Twilight. "This fight's gonna be a tough one!"

    "Brace yourselves!" added Sunset. 
    Back in the shaft, Knuckles was standing on the top of the Eggmobile. "I oughta knock that egghead of yours clear off!" he said, ticked off at what the doctor did earlier. 

    "Now, now, Knuckles," said Eggman nervously, "let's just keep calm. We all know violence never solves anything."

    "Stay still, why don't you!" added Cubot.

    Orbot agreed. "Any unnecessary movements will send us plummeting!" he said, looking downwards. "And from the looks of things, it will be most inconvenient!"

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