Chapter 23: Day of the Forestation/ Agent of Mischief

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    In the Typhoon, everyone gathered on the bridge. Bokkun played Eggman's message from the Crimson Egg over a TV for them to see. "I've secretly been working to infiltrate the Metarex and find out what they're up to," said Eggman. "But it seems they finally found out I've been deceiving them."

    Just then, Orbot and Cubot came into view in the background. "Dr. Eggman, a huge Metarex battleship is closing in fast!" exclaimed Cubot. 

    "Its laser cannons are pointed right at us!" added Orbot, panicked. 

    Eggman cocked a brow as he turned to them. "Your panicking is pointless. Defeat is inevitable, so let's face it with dignity," he said. 

    As Orbot and Cubot began panicking and running around in circles, Eggman continued: "The Metarex are on the move, heading towards galactic coordinates 00-00-00. One of their legends talks about a time when a thousand-year wait ends, and night and day become one. I'm not sure what it means, but my guess is something extraordinary happens in that region of space once every thousand years, and it's about to happen again. The Metarex are sending every ship in their fleet to rendezvous there. You'd all have to be out of your minds to try and stop them, so I assume that's what you're going to do."

    He laughed as the message ended. "I got away just as they began attacking," said Bokkun. 

    "Good thing you did," said Creecha. "Because if you hadn't, we'd never know what was going on."

    "Aha! Knew it!" said Twilight with a triumphant grin. "I knew Eggman didn't join the Metarex willingly! I knew there was a reason for it!"

    Rainbow just rolled her eyes. But then, Cosmo noticed something. "Um, I hope you don't mind my asking, but why are those numbers on your TV counting down?" she asked. 

    Bokkun looked down at the numbers. "Whoops," he said sheepishly. "I forgot to warn you that these messages self-destruct at the end."

    Everyone panicked; they outright knew what was gonna happen. "Cover your ears!" said Bokkun. "It's gonna be a big bang!"

    The TV exploded. Luckily, no one was hurt. "Heheh…" Bokkun chuckled. "Betcha you didn't know watching TV could be so exciting."

    Everyone else was not amused. "That was not fun!" said Cream.

    "I'll never tune in to that channel again," said Amy. 
    Later, everyone was gathered in an empty room. Tails had gotten an idea. "You can't operate the ship from here," Knuckles was saying. "There's no controls anywhere."

    "Oh, there are controls here; they're just hidden away," said Tails, pressing a button on his comlink. 

    Suddenly, a command chair and several screens appeared. "I built this secret bridge just in case the original one ever got wrecked," he said. 

    Sonic beamed with pride. "Tails, this is amazing!" he said as he picked up the surprised fox in a hug and spun him around in the air. "I'm so proud of you, little bro!"

    Tails laughed as he returned the embrace. "But can this beaten-up barge fly?" asked Rouge. 

    Chris sat in the seat. "It will," he said as he typed on the computer. "The ship's engines were damaged pretty badly, but we still have enough power."

    "Then what are we waitin' for? Let's do this thing!" Sticks cheered. 

    Shanti laughed. "You've just read my mind, girl," she said. 

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