Two; Unexpected meeting

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A few days have passed. He wasn't completely recovered. He couldn't even care less about his health. Everything was a mess. He found himself replaying the memories in his head.

The promises they made, the moments. Was it that easy for her to forget? Was he that bad? Well, one thing must be said. Promises are meant to be broken, aren't they?

He loved too much, he cared too much. Was she really the Na-ra he knew? The Na-ra he loved? Was her love fake all along? Or did she fall out of love? His mind was surrounded by various negative thoughts.

Now, whatever the reason is. He has to accept it. His heart hurt at the thought. The memories with her was now nothing but nightmares to him. He runs his hand through his hair. He hears door creaking sound, revealing Jay. Jake immediately looks away, pretending like he's displeased by Jay's presence.

"Jake" he calls. "Jaeyun" he calls again getting no reply from him."Yah! Sim Jaeyun!" Jake turned to look at him with a frown on his face. "What?"

"How long are you going to be like this? I can't see you like this man!" Jake remains silent. "Come on Jake! Let's just go out. It with help you refresh your mind I promise!"

"Leave me alone Jay" trying to sound arrogant. Aren't you? Ain't no way that's working on Jay. "Damn it Sim! She didn't deserve you! She never did. I'm telling you, when she gets dumped by that guy she will come back to you" he says losing his temper. "Really?" Jay stares at him in disbelief.

"Fuck you" with that he storms out. "He was not wrong, though" he whispers to himself standing up from the ground. Wearing his hoodie he leaves the house right after Jay.

Walking around the park he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. "Isn't that the girl.. Yurim?" whispering to himself he steps forward. "Yurim?" He takes a seat beside her. She stares at him in disbelief. "Are you Jake or I'm hallucinating?" Jake lets out a faint laughter. "Were you crying?"

"Huh?" Yurim frowns. "Were you?" "You're kinda rude. No hi, hello. Straight out interrogating" Yurim rolls her eyes playfully at him. "Eh? I was just curious" Jake frowns at her comment. It was his first time someone actually called him rude. "I wasn't crying. I had something in my eyes"

"Liar" he mumbles under his breath. "Jake?" he hums. "What happened that day? Why did you run down the-" "Don't, I don't want to talk about it" Jake replies, his tone slightly getting low. "Uh.. Nevermind. I'm sorry" Yurim apologies almost immediately.

"It's getting late. Go home Jake" Yurim stands up from the bench. "Right" his eyes wander around the park and lands on some guys, looking oddly suspicious. "I will drop you" "I can go by my-" He pulls her by her arms not letting her speak anymore. "It's late Yurim. Did you not see those creepy dudes?" His whispers. "Don't look!" "Fine!"

The car ride was silent and kind of awkward. No one dared to utter a single word. Yurim kept glancing at Jake. And then turn to look at his fist. The wound looked a little better.

Jake, on the other hand, couldn't control the continuous thumping in his chest. Everytime he tries to shake it off, it finds a way to come back. What was it? Is it really what I'm thinking? No! Jake! You can't! You are not ready for another trauma!

They finally reach their destination. Being the gentleman he is, Jake reaches to open the door for Yurim. Which somehow made Yurim blush a little. "Thank you, Jake" Yurim, don't do that to me. Don't call my name like that. It feels so weird "D-don't mention it" Am I stuttering?! No! Get a hold of yourself! Jake mentally facepalmed himself.

Looking around, something caught his attention. Someone, to be exact. Eun Na-ra. Anger rushed through his veins. The person he once, loved the most is now the person he loathed to death. Deep inside he knew he wasn't over her. But he has to get over it. It's no use wasting your precious tears on someone who is definitely unworthy.

Na-ra might have made a mistake. But can we really call it a mistake? Why would Na-ra bring that guy to her apartment? And they weren't seen in any position that would help Jake to think it was a misunderstanding when it clearly wasn't. Everything flashed in his mind. He clenched his fist in anger.

"Oh! By the way, Jake. Would you like to have a cup of coffee at my place?" Yurim offers with a light grin on her face. But Jake's own thoughts were nowhere to be seen. He heard her, but couldn't manage to reply. And the next thing he knew was pinning Yurim against the car.

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