Twelve: Care

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"What if he comes back?" Yurim says as she starts shaking. Jake holds her both hands and cups them. "He won't Yuri. I'm right here" Jake says. And then his phone starts ringing. "Sunghoon" Jake reads the caller name. He picks up.

"Hey" he says. "Hello. How is Yurim?" Sunghoon asks concerned. "Uhm, she's beside me" he replies. "Is she okay?" Sunghoon asks again. "I think she calmed down a bit. A lot happened today" Jake says.

"What?" "I'll tell you later" Jake says and hangs up. Yurim lays down on the bed. "Are you okay, Yuri" Jake asks reaching his hand towards her forehead.

"You're burning Yuri" Jake lowkey squeals. "Where did you keep the medicine?" He asks as he stands up to get the medicine. "On the shelf beside the door" Yurim weakly says and pulls up the blanket over her shoulder.

Jake comes back taking the medicine. "Wait wait. You need to eat something before taking medicine" Jake says and takes out his phone to order something. "No" Yurim says. "Yes" Jake says and orders soup for her.


"Jake I can't, I'm full" Yurim says and starts whining like a kid. "Just a little more" Jake says as he tries to shove a spoonful in her mouth. "No I'll throw up" Yurim says.

"Okay okay. Sorry" Jake says and puts the bowl away. He takes out the medicine and a glass of water for her. Yurim takes a sip of the water and puts the medicine in her mouth.

"Are you feeling better now?" Jake says and places his hand on her forehead. Yurim nods in affirmation. "A little better I see" Jake smiles.

Time skips to evening. Niki came to visit them and he was shocked to see Jake with her. He was taking care of Yurim. Niki could see the genuine concern in Jake's eyes. He was happy to see his best friend finally finding someone she could rely on.

"Thank you so much bro" Niki said as he patted Jake's shoulder. "Don't" Jake said as he eyed Yurim's sleeping figure. "Take some rest brother. You need to rest too" Niki says. "No it's ok-"

"It's not. I'm here. You can go rest. I'll take care of Yurim" Niki says and Jake nods.

"Ah by the way. I think we should shift her at her parents house for a while. They will take good care of her. Plus it's not safe for her to stay here at the moment. You know why I'm saying that right?" Niki says as the thought of Yejin coming back crosses his mind.

A few minutes later Niki notices Yurim's body moving. She slowly opens her eyes. She notices someone familiar sitting next to her. "Hey, you woke up" Niki says as he gives her a comforting smile.

Yurim hesitantly sits up and Niki helps him. "Are you feeling better?" Niki says. Yurim nods.

Yurim looks around searching for something. Someone more like. "Are you looking for someone?" Niki asks though he knows the answer very well.

"Where's Jake?" Yurim asks. "He went to his place to freshen up. And told me to take care of you for some time" Niki replies. "He will come back" he adds. Yurim nods again.

"Yuri" Niki calls. "Mhm?" Yurim asks as she leans against the headboard. "We were thinking about shifting you to your parents house for sometimes. They will take good care of you. And it's not safe for you.. you know" Niki says lowering he voice at the last part.

"You are right" Yurim says while holding back tears. Niki lowers his head and cups her face. "It's ok Yuri. We're here for you. Yejin can do nothing to you anymore. Look at all us big boys. Just one punch and he's lying on the floor dead" Niki says and shows her his biceps trying to make her smile.

Yurim smiles and Niki hugs her. Jake comes back after taking a shower. He saw Yurim smiling with Niki. A smile automatically appeared on his lips. The two looked adorable. "I'm back" he says as he enters the room and smiles watching them both.

"What are you talking about without me?" He says and pouts. "I was just trying to cheer Yurim up and I succeeded" Niki says making Yurim laugh. They all chat for a while. Jake seems to get along very well with Niki.

"Did you eat?" Jake asked them both. "I fed Yurim but I didn't" Niki says in a teasing tone. "O-oh. I'll order something" Jake says. "Are you jealous?" Niki suddenly utters and Yurim slaps his arms while Jake looks at him with wide eyes and his ears turn red.

Niki leaves that night because there was Jake. Jake helps Yurim fall asleep. He strokes her hair as he holds her.

"You make me want to protect you with everything I have"

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