Seventeen; Wounded

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Yurim's pov

Mrs Sim prepares our dinner as we sit in the dining area. Everyone is very friendly in his family. Especially his brother. He never fails to make everyone laugh.

"Are you treating my daughter-in-law well?" I don't know what to expect from Jake at the moment. I don't know if I should answer him. He didn't ask me. Why would I? He asked his son. But somewhere in my heart, I feel like I should.

"He's treating me so well Uncle. Just as I always thought my fiancé would" I say gathering all my courage. I wasn't lying when I said that. He looks at me in awe. I bet he never thought I would. I'm paying you back for everything you did for me today. I try to give him a small smile, this feels more like I'm threatening him.

"You two. I saw something" now what is he talking about. He might be a very funny and cheerful person, but he scares me sometimes. I look at him eagerly waiting for him to utter the next part. "What?" Says the man sitting beside me. "I know you have never imagined I would. But I accidentally did" Jaesuk says as a smirk plays over his lips. I think I can guess.

" 'it is more than okay. You look beautiful' *sarcastically* did you forget already? And then you were fixing your soon to be wifey's lips-" Jieun pinched his arm, I don't know how to thank her. I don't know why am I so panicked about it. Why am I so embarrassed? "Do you not have any filter in your mouth? Let them be. What is your problem?" She says glaring at him.

"Why are you like that wifey. I just love to tease my brother and my soon to be sister-in-law" Jieun sighs at her husband's childish behaviour. "So where are you planning to go on your honeymoon?" I almost choke on my drink. Jake pats my back mumbling a little calm down. I hope he wasn't asking us. We're not even married yet. "Dad, we're planning to go to Jeju. And if Jake and Yurim has no problem, we should go together. Shan't we?"

I look at Jake. We're not ready for this. And this is not necessary right now ugh. "Hyung why would we interrupt your quality time with your wifey. You should spend some time alone. Right?" I nod agreeing with Jake. "Just say that you don't want anyone to disturb in your honeymoon" what the- I look at Jake. Now we're both embarrassed.

"Come on don't be shy. I just said what I had to" You did brother. Great job. "Fine we'll go" we have no other choice. If we said no he'd find more ways to tease us. After dinner Mr Sim sits with his both sons talking about the wedding.

"Yurim let's go to the garden" Jieun stands up and holds my hand. No wonder Jaesuk pulled the right girl. She's pretty, so pretty. Not just pretty. She's talented and successful. Everything about her is so perfect.

"You're so pretty unnie" she smiles at my remark. I bet I'm not the only one to tell her that all of a sudden. "So are you" I'm not. Not as pretty as you are. "You're always prettier. Jaesuk oppa must be so proud of you" a bright shade of red start to appear on her cheeks as I mention her husband. Maybe this is what love feels like. Maybe this is how it feels to be loved back by the person you love.

"I was watching you and Jake on my wedding day. He looks at you with so much admiration. His eyes show how much he adores you" i wish that was true. I wish this marriage was never announced. I force a smile. "Unnie how did you two meet?" I ask out of curiosity. "We met at school"

"You know each other for so long!" I watch her eyes shine as she talks about Jaesuk. I wished something like this happened in my life, I wished this love was never one sided.

Jake's pov

I start to drive the car. None of us dare to utter a single word. I hate this silence. "Are you aware of the fact we're moving into the same house after we get married?" I say breaking the silence. She hums. I hate short replies. But I can't blame her.

"Do you want to see our new home today?" She shifts her gaze towards me. Ugh I regret. I shouldn't have asked her now. She doesn't reply. "Let's go" I try to hold back my smile.

I open the car door for her as we reach our new house. "Isn't it too big for just two people?" She says looking from the outside. "It looked good so..." "You really love wasting your money I see" it's not what you call wasting. "We'll only stay for a few months. You didn't have to" Reality hits me hard this time.

I regret. I regret everything I said. I might have said those things but I never meant to. I was mad, angry frustrated. I ruined everything. I ruined us. I type the password of the house. She looks at me surprised.

"That's my birthday" i know? Now you must be wondering how do I know. I should right? "How did you-" like I thought. "I asked your Father"

We walk inside of the house. She looks around."I decorated it" It's not fully decorated yet but I tried my best to decorate it as much as I can. "It's just for show. And you've already wasted a lots of time and money on this" It doesn't matter. Trust me. What trust am I talking about hahah. I'm not even trustable. I never regretted anything more in my life.

"I owe a lot, princess" I say as I look into her dark brown eyes. "You helped me heal my wounds, my wounded heart. The wounds Na-ra left behind. I'm completely healed now. But all I did was push you away. Even if you don't trust me, and even if this is just for a few months, I can't take this just as a show anymore. I want us to always cherish the coming days we will spend together"

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